Chapter 16

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Clementine POV

I was sitting on my bed looking at a picture I had of me and Jarred that sat on my dresser draw. I missed him so much, he was my best friend and we'd known each other for a while like family friends and then in middle school he started YouTube did vlogs and games.

Then on the 12th of June he committed suicide, I still remember the phone call Dad received when his mum Leah called us. I still remember crying for a whole week and at that time Nash had just started to bully me. I sighed as I looked away and looked down at my hands not noticing that I was crying. I really did miss him and I missed seeing him around school and the talks and laughs. We dated for 4 months before he passed away.

Flash Back

"Oh my god Leah I'm so sorry" I heard Dad say sounding upset as he spoke on the phone. "We'll be praying and let us know if there's anything we can do" I heard Dad say before he hung up and said goodbye. I walked out from around the corner and saw Dad trying to keep his composure as he stood in the kitchen leaning against the counter. "Dad?" I said and he looked over at me with a soft expression.

"What happened?" I asked and he walked over to me before crouching down in front of me, "Clementine Jarred's gone" Dad said and I looked at Dad confused. "He's no longer with us, he passed away" Dad said and I felt like I had just been slapped across the face and punched in the stomach. No this couldn't be happening, Dad hugged me and I broke down crying in his arms. He was gone.

End of Flash Back

I cried at the memory of when Dad told me Jarred was dead, I still miss him now. I wish he could tell me everything was gonna be alright. I know he's somewhere in heaven maybe watching me and thinking how much I'm messing up right now. There was soon a knock at the door and I didn't bother to answer it but the person let themselves in anyway. "Clem" they said and i recognised that voice, it was Nash. I looked up with tears in my eyes and he looked at me sympathetically as i wiped away my tears.

"Clementine" he said and I looked away from him, "Clementine I'm sorry" he said and I looked out my window. "Why because your a fool" I said looking back at him and he hung his head low, "Why would you come back after what you said" I said in an angry tone. "Whatever I said I'm sorry" he said and i rolled my eyes, "sorry doesn't begin to cut it Nash I saw that video with you, JC and Cameron. I'm starting to think this whole relationship was fake and you know what no there's no possibility of us getting back together okay!" I yelled before pushing him away and hearing a thump that he fell to the floor.

I looked down seeing Nash on the floor, "Leave me alone" I said and he stood up to his feet and left my room with tears in his eyes. "I still love you" he said in a whisper that I managed to hear before he walked out closing the door. What was I going to do about this, we're not together anymore either. I needed space and time to figure things out.

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