Chapter 15

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Clementine POV

One week later

It's been a week since I broke up with Nash and I haven't answered any of his calls or texts. I haven't spoken to Hayes either but I've been getting messages from a mysterious unknown number.

Unknown/ Jenna

U- I win sweetie he's already found out your secret

I looked at the text and panicked, what secret are they talking about.

U- don't think I don't know about your little fling with Jarred and that video Nash made says it all

The video with Cameron and CJ is that it, and how does this person know about Jarred. Jarred was my ex and well something tragic happened and since then no one spoke about it until now. Running to the bathroom I go back to my old habits and pick up a razor, I've been 2 months clean but now that's all gonna change. When I'm done I wash off the blood and put away the razor, I change into a long sleeve shirt then I hear Shawn call me from downstairs.

I made my way downstairs to see Shawn and next to him was Cameron, what was he doing here. "Clementine um Cameron wanted to talk to you" Shawn said and I looked at Cameron confused. "I'll leave you guys to talk" Shawn said before he made his way to the laundry. "What is it Cameron?" I asked and he looked at me like he was pissed, "how could you cheat on him then break up with him" he said in an irritated tone. "I didn't cheat on him" I said and Cameron rolled his eyes.

"Really you didn't cheat what a load of rubbish" Cameron said waving his hands up in the air. "Okay seriously Cameron if you wanna believe this rubbish go ahead but don't come running back to me at the end of it" I said looking away. "And besides you said yourself in that video" I said and he swung me around grabbing my shoulders looking at me. "What video?" He asked in a hurry, "oh you know what do you find attractive and in attractive in girls we'll let me tell you I find guys who are jerk and liars unattractive" I said pushing him off and sitting on the kitchen counter

I looked into the toaster reflection and stared down at Cameron then just in time Shawn came back into the kitchen. "What's going on?" He asked and looked over at Shawn, "is Cameron giving you a rough time?" Shawn asked and normally I'd lie but not this time. "Yes he is" I said and Shawn escorted Cameron out of the house and the two of them were talking out side. Why do things have to be so complicated.

Nash POV

I'm sitting on my bed looking at pictures on my phone, why would she cheat and then break up with me. Am I really not good enough probably not but I still love her. However I can't go back now she'll never forgive me and now we're not together anymore but what did I do wrong for her to be on edge besides ignore her. And now that video only made things worse.

I went on social media to distract me when I saw something on twitter trending involving me. #ClemTheSlut was the hashtag but I was tagged in it, some fans believing the situation and being nasty and some were being logical on both sides while other were just being nice. I scrolled through seeing posts about Clementine and then one post caught my eye.


Guys you do know that Clementine used to date Jarred until one day he passed away. So the cheating thing is fake. Guys here's the link to a post she wrote a while back.

I clicked on the link and it took me to instgram and a video of Clementine in tears. I pressed play and watched the video seeing her in tears as she filmed.

"Hey guys so as many of you know I dated Jarred and this morning at the hospital he passed away. No one should ever have to take their own life because they feel beaten down from social media. But it happens and some people move on and others don't but the 12th of June 2017 Rest in peace Jarred and guys thanks for the support"

End of video

I sat on my bed frozen, so Jarred committed suicide and Clementine had to accept that so that's why she never spoke about him. I looked at the description to see the full name and I recognised it somewhere, "Jarred Thompson" I said to myself. Why is it so familiar then it clicked and I knew where I had seen him. He was a raising YouTube star and he made funny skits and did vlogs. That's when I remembered it being in an article but the school never said goodbye to him.

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