Chapter 9

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Clementine POV

The next day at school there was a rumour going around that there was a party. Anne Fritz she was also popular but she was nice, I went to my locker and opened it up to take out my books when i felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around to see Anne standing there with a smile on her face as she handed me an envelope. "Here you go" she said and I gladly received my invite from her. "Thanks" I said and she turned around and skipped off.

I got my stuff and headed off to class soon realising that I hadn't seen Nash yet, I made my way to class and sat in my seat. When I saw a familiar figure walk into the class late, it was Nash and he had his head down as he handed the teacher his late slip and then took his seat. "Hey man you didn't answer my calls last night" I heard Cameron say as he nudged Nash's shoulder. "I was busy with homework" I heard Nash say, "he dude what's with you?, you look so depressed" Matthew said. "I'm fine" Nash mumbled, I took out my phone and texted mum about Anne's party and she said it was fine.

Mum and Anne's mum were good friends and they worked together too, for the rest of class I just waited it out till the bell rang than I made my way to first period.

--- skip to end of school---

I got home and had a shower before going to my closet in search for something to wear. Then I found my navy blue floral sundress which looked like it would stand out, I looked over seeing my denim jacket and pulled it out and holder it up to the dress. It seemed to match well and I had a pair of blue heeled boots to go and a blue purse, I was all set.

Putting some bracelets on I soon did my hair into a high ponytail and put on some pearl earrings and a tiny bit of make up before heading off to the party

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Putting some bracelets on I soon did my hair into a high ponytail and put on some pearl earrings and a tiny bit of make up before heading off to the party. Walking out the door I was about to hop into Mum's car when I saw Nash, he looked at me and then I noticed him walking towards me. Crap please go away but then it was too late, "hey" he said awkwardly. I waved back and he looked away for a second, "you're going to Anne's party?" He asked and I nodded. "You can catch a ride with me I don't mind" he said and I shook my head not saying a word.

He gently took my hand in his and guided me to his car and I followed, but when I went to pull away I brushed past his sleeve and he hissed in pain. I looked at him confused and he just smiled, "you alright?" I asked. "Yea I'm fine" he said and opened the passenger door for me and I made my way in before he closed it and went around the drivers side.

---at the party---

The music was loud and the lights were going off like crazy, people making out and running all over the place. Others were drinking and just getting drunk off their assess, "I'll get you a drink?" Nash offered and I nodded before he walked to the table. Then I heard a squeal behind me and I turned around seeing Anne, "you came!" She squealed giving me a gentle hug and I hugged back. "Yea I'm here" I said and she smiled, "so you're here with Nash?" She asked with a cheeky grin. "Yes just a friends though" I said and she nodded, "whatever you say" she said and skipped off to talk to other people than Nash came back.

I took my cup from his hand and took a sip before thanking him and he just smiled. After a few drinks I felt a little tipsy and I could see Nash was too, my mind was flying to another place now and I didn't know what I was doing. I grabbed Nash's hand and dragged him over to an empty spot before smashing my lips into his and he kissed back straight away. Taking my hand he guided me to one of the bedrooms and let me inside before closing the door and pinning me up against it before kissing me roughly. I moved my hands to the hem of Nash's shirt and slowly lifted it up until it was fully off than I returned back to his lips and he let out a small moan.

After out make out session I found myself falling asleep in Nash's arms, his arms wrapped around my waist and his back against my own. It felt comfy and relaxing enough that I fell into a deep sleep.

The next day I woke up with a headache and a pair of arms wrapped around me, I was still in my clothes so that was good to know. But when I looked over I saw Nash shirtless, then I looked closer and saw red lines on his wrists. I was shocked at the sight of seeing them, that's why he hissed in pain when I pushed past his sleeve, I saw him move meaning he was was waking up so I pretended to be asleep.

I glanced over seeing Nash putting his shirt back on, I probably looked like a perv. When he turned around I shifted so I was no longer looking at me, then I decided to actually wake up. Sitting up and stretching my arms up to the roof I looked to see Nash staring. "Hi" he said awkwardly and I waved, "um well sorry about last night" he said looking down at the floor. "It's fine I mean it's not like we slept together which we but ugh no that's not what I intended" I said in frustration and panic. "It's fine" he said and I got out of the bed and fixed myself up. Then we made our way out of the house and I left a note for Anne and Nash drove me home.

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