Chapter 2

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Nash POV

I got home from school seeing Hayes car already on the drive way because he didn't go to school. I felt horrible for what I did today with Clementine, the whole reason I bullied her was to hide the fact that I liked her. And I like her a lot but I bully her with my friends. To make it worse Shawn's her cousin and if he finds out well I'm a dead guy. Entering my house I see Hayes looking at me with disappointment and I just brush it off and go to my room.

I walk in and close the door behind me before throwing my bag onto my desk, I let out a groan of frustration. I feel so bad about bullying Clementine sometimes but most times I wonder why. One thing that catches my eyes sometimes is that she wears long sleeves and we're in summer now. I get out my phone and scroll through my vine feed and every other social media I have. "Nash!, Nash!" I hear Skylynn yell out as she comes running towards my room then she opens the door without knocking but I don't really care because I love her and she's funny. "Hey Skylynn" I said and she jumped onto my lap. "I wanna make a video" she said and I laughed, "what kind of video?" I asked. "Put make up on your face" she said and I looked over seeing mum at the door. "Alright then" I said getting up and she cheered like it was the best thing ever. I went to get my camera and filming stuff while mum help Skylynn getting out the make up. "Ready?" I asked and she nodded sitting beside me then we began filming.

(That's the video I'm referring to, I love Nash and his little sister there so cute in videos together 😍😁. Anyway continue...)

After filming I saw that Skylynn could not stop laughing, was I really that funny we'll probably. I went to the bathroom and washed off the make up and while I was doing that I went to take a shower. After the shower I got out and I only had a towel around my waist as I made my way to my room. When I heard mum call out, "Nash we have guests coming for dinner so get ready" mum called. "Uh okay" I replied and went to get dressed.

I slipped into my black ripped skinny jeans and I put on a white shirt with my converse sneakers. I dried my hair and then I went back down to the kitchen to help mum set up.

Clementine POV

I was on the phone to Shawn when mum came into my room saying we were going to one of her work friends house for dinner. I went to take a shower and I took my clothes into the bathroom. One thing to know is that yes I self harm but only on my wrists and never my legs. I finish in the shower and wash my hair before blow drying it and putting it into a braid that led into a bun. Then I put on some shorts and a long sleeve 5 seconds of summer sweater to cover my arms. I put on my make up which was just a lite coverage of foundation and a light shade of eye shadow on my eyes with a clear lip balm. Then I put on my black converse shoes and that was it was done.

"Come on Clementine we're leaving" Mum called and I headed downstairs to meet up with them so we could go. When we got there Dad knocked on the door and I stood behind mum, then the door opened. "Welcome please come in" the lady said, "thanks for having us Elizabeth" mum said and I just forced a smile. Walking inside felt nerve racking, then I saw a familiar face come out from around the corner. I look at the person walking towards me and it's than I realise who it is.

It's Nash

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