Chapter 3

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Nash POV

Clementine she's here for dinner, oh no shit. This is gonna be so awkward, looking at her closely I noticed something. "Excuse me where would the bathroom be?" She asked my mum and my mum pointed her in the right direction and off she went. "Hayes dear can you please get the snacks from the fridge please?" Mum asked and I watched Hayes make his way to the kitchen. I sat on the couch listening to mum talk when I noticed that it had been 20 minutes and she still wasn't back so I went to check on her.

I walked out of the livingroom and towards the bathroom when I heard crying on the other side of the bathroom door and it was unlocked. I carefully opened the door only to see Clementine on the floor sitting in fatal position and she was shaking. I quickly ran over to her and crouched down in front of her. "Clementine!" I called out, "Clementine" I called again and she slowly looked up but then fear showed in her eyes. "Clementine" I said softly but she wouldn't stop shaking. Could she be having a panic attack, I placed one arm behind her back and one under her legs and carried her to my room. I sat her on my bed and quietly and quickly ran to the kitchen to get a glass of water for her.

After a few minutes she returned back to normal, "you okay?" I asked and she looked at me with fear. "Please don't hurt me" she whispered and I shook my head, "I'm not going to do anything but try to help you" I said and she slowly calmed down. Then without thinking I hugged her, it was the only thing I could do and she went limp in my arms.

Clementine POV

I Felt myself relax in Nash's arms slowly, this felt wired but comforting at the same time. Maybe because he's my bully and him acting like this wouldn't last forever sadly, "better?" He asked looking at me and I nodded before he handed me a glass of water. "What happened?" He asked and I looked at him feeling tired, "panic attack" I said and he nodded. "Nashy" I soon heard a little girl called through the halls. "Nashy" she said with a tone of enthusiasm, "Mum was wondering where you went" she said.

"How's that pretty girl?" she said as she pointed in my direction, "Skylynn this is Clementine" Nash said as he introduced me. "Your pretty" she said than she looked back at Nash, "Nashy is she your girlfriend?" she asked and I quietly laughed. "No she's not" Nash replied, "Okay well I want to film the chubby bunny challenge with you, Hayes and Cameron" she said and Nash nodded. "How about tomorrow after school" he said and she smiled and nodded before skipping out of the room.

"Sorry about her" Nash said as he scratched the back of his head nervously, "Nah it's all good" I said and he smiled at me. Wait what he smiled at me, wow that's a first. "Dinner time!" we heard Hayes yell and we both headed down to the kitchen. At the table I was seated in between Nash and Hayes while Skylynn sat across from us and on the opposite end were my parents and then Nash's parents. We were eating dinner and i noticed that Nash kept staring at me, it was so wired. But i didn't want to say anything to him, a few hours later we left to go back home and then reality hit me. Tomorrow he'd become my bully again, I was a little disappointed that it was the truth but at the same time I just accepted it.

And the next morning I woke up to go to school and sure enough I was correct, "hey slut" I heard Nash say. I let out a sigh and i looked up to see Nash, Cameron and Matthew all in front of me. "Whatever" I said and then I had the first punch done by Nash, I knew it was all to good to be true. After they beat me up i limped to the bathroom and went to wash my face. Worst morning ever and I can say that clearly. I soon made my way to Biology class and in there I had Nash and Matthew in that class with me.

Yay best lesson like ever.

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