Chapter 22

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Nash POV

---at the hospital---

We made our way to Hayes room and when we entered we found Hayes sitting up and awake being over checked by the nurses. "Nash" Hayes said and I walked over, "hey Hayes" I said and he just stared. His arms bandaged and face slightly pale, the nurses soon left us alone and I saw Hayes look away.

"Hayes why'd you do it?" I asked and he didn't answer. "Hayes I saw your phone and the messages, why didn't you tell me?" I asked and he looked at me with a pained expression. "You kept telling me to go away every time I went to talk to you so eventually I gave up. Then Jenna approached me and said she'd help but she didn't" He said sounding disappointed.

"Is that why you cut, Hayes?" I asked and he had tears in his eyes. "Yes" he sobbed and I sat on the end of the hospital bed and hugged him, he went limp in my arms. "I'm sorry Nash and Clementine" he cried and I rubbed his back and held him.

"Hayes you know you can tell me anything right?" I asked and he didn't answer. "I'm sorry I wasn't there" I said and he sniffled, "it's okay" Hayes sniffled and I just hugged him then looked over at Clementine. "I'm going to go get some food" Clementine said and I nodded before she left the room.

Hayes POV

"So wanna tell me what's up?" Nash asked and I looked at him nervously. "What about?" I asked and he rolled his eyes, "the bullying Hayes" he said and I looked down at my hands. "Nash it's been happening for a while and can't be stopped" I said and he sighed. "Hayes you don't know that" Nash said and I looked up at him feeling slightly annoyed. "Yes I do Nash it's never gonna stop" I said raising my voice slightly. "I'm sorry" I sighed placing my head in my hands, "Hayes you don't have to be sorry" he said. "I want to help you" Nash insisted and I looked at him expressionless, "please Hayes" Nash pleaded and I eventually let him.

---time skip/ going home---

So today was the day I was being released from the hospital and well I wasn't too stoked on going back to school. I didn't want to go back anyway, when the papers were signed I went home and Mum told me Nash and Skylynn were both home. And that they were mum was going out to dinner with Dad. Pulling up on the drive way I heard barking from inside, I looked at mum and Dad and they smiled. Getting out of the car I walked into the house and I saw a puppy come running up to me. Then I saw Nash, "come here Zen" Nash called and the puppy went running to him.

"Is that a puppy?" I asked and Nash gave the puppy a treat before picking it up, he walked over to me and I slowly reached out my hand. "He's your coming home present" Nash said and I smiled in what felt like forever, "mine really?" I asked in disbelief and Nash nodded. "Yep he's all yours" Nash said putting the puppy down at my feet, "Tez suggested the idea and I thought it was good" Nash explained but I didn't really listen instead I was to Intrigued by Zen.

"Thanks" I said and everyone smiled, "come on go play with Zen outside and I'm gonna start making Lunch" mum said and we all went outside.

Nash POV

We were all outside playing with Zen and Tez came over because he wanted to see Hayes, I watched as Skylynn and Hayes played fetch with Zen while I scrolled through my social media on my phone. On twitter there were a lot of people asking about Magcon and saying things like who's going and what not. Magcon was on my birthday anyways December 28th so that was gonna be fun.

I hadn't told Clementine I was leaving for Magcon meaning I wasn't gonna be around for Christmas. "Hey Nash come on!" I heard Tez call and I put my phone away and went to join them.

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