Chapter 11

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Clemintine POV

It had been a week since Nash hadn't shown up to school and I was somewhat beginning to worry. Walking through the school halls I saw Hayes at his locker and I ran up to him, "Hayes!" I called out and he looked over at me. "Hayes what's going on?" I asked and he looked like he hadn't slept properly, "nothing just visiting Nash in the hospital" he yawned and my eyes widened. "What?!" I exclaimed and Hayes looked at me like I was stupid, "yea" he said bluntly. "What happened?" I asked and Hayes looked at me a little annoyed, "It's nothing to be worried about" Hayes said and I looked at him a little disgusted.

"What?" he asked bluntly and I rolled my eyes, "why not tell me what's going on?" I asked and he sighed before glaring at me. "As I said nothing to be worried abou-" he went on and then I cut him off, "Shut up with that and just tell me!" I slightly yelled. "For goodness sake what are you Clem a slut geez I don't get why your bothered so much!" he yelled and his hand quickly flew over his mouth. "Oh my god" he said and I looked down at the floor with tears trailing down my cheeks. "I'm so sorry" he said and I shook my head, "forget it Hayes" I said and turned away before running off and to the girls bathroom.

I sat on the bench in the corner of the bathroom just silently crying, I pulled my knees to my chest and just looked at the floor. This is all my fault I knew he would blame himself and now look where it's put him.

Hayes POV

What have I done, why did I call her a slut. I didn't mean it at all, it just came out and now shit what have I done. I walk to class and obviously Clemintine isn't there, taking my seat I look out the window when I felt someone tap on my shoulder and when I looked up I saw Cameron. "Cam why are you here shouldn't you be in class" I said and he just stared, "who cares I'm ditching class" he said. And I just wavered him off, "yea whatever" I said and I looked over seeing him staring at Anne and her friends Emily and Taylor.

"Dude quit staring" I said and he kept staring, than Anne looked our way and Cameron looked away. "Dude you like her?" I asked as soon as I saw his cheeks turn pink, "okay" I mouthed and I rested my head on my desk. "Clemintine" the teacher called out, "Clemintine!" she called out again then I raised my hand. "Yes Hayes" she said, "Um can I go look for her and go get a drink?" I asked and she nodded and I left my seat and headed out with Cameron following behind me.

Walking out of class and towards the bathrooms I saw Clemintine walk out and she was wiping her eyes. "Clemintine" I said and she pushed passed me, "Clem!" I called out but she kept walking. "Clemintine" Cameron called and she stopped and looked back at us, "I'm sorry" I said and her breath hitched. "Get lost Hayes" she said and I looked over at Cameron, "what did you do?" he asked. "He called me a slut" Clemintine said and Cameron looked at me furiously, "what the hell Hayes" he said and I looked down at the floor.

Clementine POV

"I'm sorry" Hayes said and Cameron hit him on the back of the head, "Clementine if you want I can drive you home?" Cameron suggested to me and I just nodded. I left with Cameron and he dropped me off home.

---at home---

When we got home and walked inside I saw Shawn in the kitchen baking, "Shawn!" I called and he looked over and smiled. "Whatcha baking?" I asked as he put the tray in the oven, "some strawberry shortcake" he said as he stuffed his mouth with the whip cream making a beard. "Anyway Clementine I gotta go so I'll see ya later" Cameron said and then he left. "So how was school?" Shawn asked me, "I wish it could be better" I mumbled and I guess he heard me. "Your Dad told me you were being bullied at school and hurting yourself " Shawn said as he sat on the kitchen counter next to the flour.

"Who's bullying you come on" Shawn said and I argued with myself weather to tell him. "Clementine please tell me" he pleaded and I let out a sigh before speaking, "Nash" I said and his eyes widened. "I'm gonna have one hell of a word with him" Shawn said as he hopped off the kitchen bench. "No don't " I said and Shawn looked at me, "Clementine it's not okay" he said and I looked down at the floor. "But Shawn either way you can't because Nash is in hospital" I said and his eyes widened.

"Come on we're going to the hospital" Shawn announced dragging my behind him and I got in the car and off we went. "I didn't want to go more so it was because I sorta was glad he was experiencing where his own actions could take someone but at the same time he didn't deserve it. Arriving at the hospital we ran into Will and met up, "Will" Shawn called and they somewhat bro hugged and talked until Shawn mentioned Nash. "We came to see Nash" Shawn said and my jaw dropped slightly, "cool um I was on my way now wanna come with" Will said and both Shawn and me nodded before following Will to Nash's room.

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