Chapter 24

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1 week later

Nash POV

I was packing my suit case and getting ready to leave for Magcon tomorrow morning because I had an early flight to catch to Los Angeles. I felt bad for not spending Christmas with her but I couldn't cancel out. I was in the middle of packing my suitcase when there was a knock at the door. I turned around and I saw Hayes standing in the door way, "oh hey Hayes" I greeted and he just silently waved.

"What's up?" I asked and he acted all nervous, "well there's this girl I like an-" Hayes started. "Wait there's a girl you like, who's this girl?" I asked and he looked down at his feet. "Violet Bridges" he said nervously and my eyes went wide, "bro she's hot" I said and his cheeks went slightly pink. "Yea well any advice?" Hayes asked and and I wanted to be wise so I called in Will to help. "What's up?" He said and I pointed at Hayes, "Hayes has a crush" I said and Will looked at Hayes surprised. "Who's this girl?" Will asked, "Violet" Hayes whispered and Will looked over at me. "You mean Violet Bridges the cheerleader captain for my football team?" Will asked and Hayes nodded, "damn bro you have good taste" Will said as he leaned onto Hayes shoulder.

"Well bro I have a game today and I might be able to get your butt a date" Will said gazing up at the fan. "Yea you can't do that" Hayes said and I laughed, "what's so funny Nash?" Hayes asked and I just folded my arms and shrugged. "Nothing just that Will offering to get you a date and your not taking it up" I said and Hayes looked back at Will, "okay then" he said and Will smirked. "We'll go get ready I'm leaving in an hour" Will said walking off and Hayes ran to his room to get ready while I finished packing.

I texted Clementine asking if she'd like to come with me to the airport tomorrow and she said yes. I still hated the thought of leaving her behind but I had to look past that, when I was done packing I went to have a shower and get changed. When I was done I posted on twitter that I'd be flying out tomorrow and maybe in less than a minute I had a million likes on the tweet.

After dinner I went to bed early, Will and Hayes weren't home yet and mum and Dad were out for dinner. And Skylynn was already asleep , I got into bed and lay on my back staring at the ceiling until I finally fell asleep.

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