Chapter 7

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Clementine POV

I was sitting by myself at lunch and Nash was with his friends only a few tables down, I picked at my food and placed on ear phone in my ear and listened to King For a Day by Green Day. When I heard a conversation that seemed interesting and who was it with well Nash Grier himself and Matthew. "Dude you like Clementine!" Matthew said in shook and my eyes widened, "dude she's so hot" I heard Nash say and I just kept my head down. "Who Clementine" Matthew said then he looked at me with a smug look on his face then back at Nash. "Yea" I heard Nash say nervously, I saw Matthew laugh my way before he did his next move. "Hey! Clementine he likes you!" Matthew yelled out and I smiled a little until I heard the next part and it was Nash speaking. "No I don't she's so ugly" he said in a hurry and everyone laughed.

I let out a sigh and left my lunch tray on the table untouched before grabbing my backpack and walking out of the cafeteria. I knew it was all fake, in the background I could hear arguing between Nash and Matthew. Why would he like me like seriously there are tones of better people in school he'd date. I made my way out of the cafeteria and to the girls bathrooms. Slamming the door behind me I throw my bag on the bench and unzipped my front pocket to find my blade.

Trigger warning

As I dragged my blade along my skin I let out a sharp breath.

Cut one, "this is for being ugly and pathetic"

Cut two, "this is for being stupid"

Cut three, "for being a loser"

When I was done I rinsed my wrist free of blood then I wash my blade putting it back in my bag and fixing myself up before sitting on the floor waiting for lunch to be over.

End of trigger warning

Nash POV

I felt so bad after Clementine ran out of the lunch room, why couldn't I just stick up for her and not deny being in love with her. I can't even do that and make her happy no I have to be an idiot. I look around the hallways seeing no sign of her. Where could she be?, the bell for the end of lunch soon rang and I saw a figure walk out of the girls bathroom. Looking closer I saw it was Clementine. I ran over to her and she looked at me with disappointment than kept walking.

I really screwed up this time, what was I thinking saying that and now I'll never have her. Why do I have to be so stupid, I made my way to my locker to get my books before heading to class. Which just so happened to be film and Tv, we wouldn't be doing much in that lesson so I decided to film some vines and I had Cameron join me for it.

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