Chapter 8

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Clementine POV

After school I got home and went upstairs to my room feeling exhausted and motionless. I did my homework and then decided to take a nap, when I woke up it was 4pm and there was a knock at the door. I got up and went to answer the door only to see Nash standing there, "what do you want?" I asked and he looked at me like he was nervous.

Nash nervous come on let's be real here there's just no way, "I just wanted to check on you" he said and I scoffed. "Check on me!, you can't be serious" I said and he frowned at me. "I'm sorry about what happened in the lunchroom I really am and that I said those things to you but-" he said and I cut him off. "But what Nash?" I asked and he sighed, "you see Hamilton Nash Grier you've already ruined me and I just need one more reason to die and this can be all over" I said bitterly.

"I know I'm sorry" he said and I shook my head, "your sorry well that's a first isn't it" I said and he looked down at his shoes. "You know Nash if your popularity matters so much why do you play me like a symphony?" I asked and he tilted his head to the side. "Go on you ruin me!" I yelled at him before running back inside and slamming the door in his face.

Nash POV

After Clementine slammed the door in my face I let out a sigh of hopelessness, now I knew how she felt. I was never gonna convince her to give me a chance because I would just ruin her. She deserves much more, from inside I could hear Clementine talking to someone on the phone. Her laugh and squeal sounded cute, how could she go from sad and angry to happy and excited. I felt like trash like I wasn't good enough and most of all I felt like I couldn't fix what was already done.

I left and walked back holm just going straight up to my room and taking clothes off to go and shower. Looking at myself in the mirror I looked like a mess better more I was a mess.

Trigger warning

going into the shower I caught sight of a blade that sat on the shelf and went to grab it. I examined it like it was all that mattered to me, like it was the only option left. I felt like I was a mistake and just someone who screwed things up. I couldn't do anything right, taking that razor and gliding it against my skin I hissed in pain but then let out a sigh. The cold blade and the hot water running down my skin I felt it's realise, a few more cuts I began to sway but I steadied my self and put away the blade before washing off the blood.

End of trigger warning

After the shower I bandaged my arms and put on a hoodie as well as sweatpants before opening the covers of my bed and hoping in.

Clementine POV

I was pacing around my room feeling anxious over I had no idea, I thought back to my encounter with Nash and I couldn't help but replay what happened in my head. It's not like he was truly sorry I mean when we get back to school everything will be back to normal.

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