Chapter 4

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Clementine POV

I sat in class in my seat by the window towards the back of the class alone and zoning out when the teacher said something that caught my attention. "Okay class I have an assignment for you all and you are to do it in partners" the teacher announced and I put my head in my hands and looked down. "Okay so Matthew and Lexi, Maddison and Cameron" she began and then went through a whole list up until. "Nash and Clementine" she said and I looked at her wide eyed, no thanks I want to work on my own.

"Okay class get to work" the teacher announced and I kept my head down and just scribbled notes. "Hey" I looked up and saw Nash in front of me leaning over my desk, "Hi" I said and he took the penicil from my hand. "Seriously" i said and he mimicked me, "So wanna come to my house after school to do the project?" Nash asked and I shook my head. "No thanks" I said and he rolled his eyes at me. "come on" he said but I refused, "no way not happening and I don't even want to work with you" I said and he looked at me surprised. Then the teacher headed our way. "There a problem?" she asked and before Nash could say something I jumped to the chance.

"Okay first off he hates me and second I don't want to work with him!" I yelled like an immature child. "I'm sorry Clemintine but you have to work with Nash" the teacher said calmly, "But I don't want too" I said and she glared at me. "Maybe if you two try to work together you might get along" the teacher said and I glared back at her. "No" I said being stubborn, "Okay then Clemintine detention" the teacher said and I looked at her a little annoyed. "Are you serious!" I exclaimed and she nodded before going to her desk and writing up a report. I looked over at Nash and glared at hm and he just stared blankly.

The bell soon rang and I rushed out of the classroom and headed to my next class, next up free period. I walked to the libary for study or mainly what i call sleeping for a whole period, I walked into the libary and I was greeted by the snobby librian who had no filter and made it so obvious that she hated me and I definately hated her. She basically thought that everything had to be done her way too. I signed myself in and she had already began with her comments, "You on a spare?" she asked in a smart ass tone and I turned to look at her with a smirk. "Fuck off" I said and she looked at me jaw dropped so I just walked away and went to the couches.

Nash POV

Technology studies was great and Shawn was in class with me, "hey bro why does my cousin always have bruises on her. I'm really concerned like whose doing this to her" he said and I felt so guilty now. "I don't know dude" I said and he sighed before writing something in his notebook. Crap I didn't want Shawn finding out just yet or more so I was scared of what he would do if he found out. I know tormenting her is wrong but at the same time I don't know why I do it. Is it because I care more for my popularity that I need to hurt her. I love the girl but I just don't know what to do.

I know she hates me and that's why she doesn't want to work with me so I get that. God why did I have to do this to her in the firstplace. After class was lunch and I was sitting at my table with Cameron, Matthew and a few girls who came to sit with us. They were absolute sluts to be honest. I looked around and then my eyes caught sight of Clementine, she walked over caustiously with her tray and I saw Matthew stand up and walk towards her. What was he doing, my questions were soon answered when he tripped her and her food went flying and landed on top of her and her long sleeves came up. But what I saw shocked me, red lines and white scars. She did them to herself, so beautiful but she doesn't know that.

"Eww Suicidal freak" Matthew hollared and she looked like she was about to cry. "Go on cry" Matthew said and she whimpered, "Matthew stop!" I said and he laughed. "Nash why?, she deserves this the little slut" he said looking down on her. Then he did something else that shocked some people including me. He began to kick and punch her, "Stop just leave her alone quit wasting your time" I said and he snickered before coming back. Everyone was staring at her and she just got up covered in spagetti bolenesse sauce and she ran. "Oh shit" I whispered and by now i wasn't even hungry.

"Guys I gotta head to class" I lied, "Oh come on really Nash" Cameron said and I nodded in response. "Yea I need to see the teacher about something" I said and they let me go, I walked out of the cafeteria looking around until I saw an open locker door and it was Clementine's.

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