Chapter 17

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Nash POV

Running home and not looking back behind me to see her house, tears streaming down my face I eventually collapse in the middle of the road. Breaking down crying my eyes out with my head in my hands, why was that video posted?, why would this suddenly pop up now.

One picture caught my eye, a photo of us sitting on the couch and my arms were wrapped around Clementine from behind. God I missed her so much, I would do anything to get her back. "Nash" I heard someone say and I looked behind me to see Hayes. "Hi" I said and he walked closer, "What do you want?" I asked and he rolled his eyes. "Nash come on move on" Hayes said and I shook my head. "No I don't want to, I just want her back!" I yelled, "Nash she's not coming back" Hayes said and at that point I lost it. "HAYES JUST SHUT UP, I DID NOTHING AND SHE JUST BROKE UP WITH ME OVER SOMETHING STUPID ON YOUTUBE!" I yelled and Hayes backed away from me.

"Dude calm down" he said and I glared at him, "don't tell me calm down!" I yelled in anger towards him. Then he left my room and I was left back in the same spot as I was before, looking at that photograph of the two of us. I don't know why but most girls I date them breaking up with me I have that feeling not to care but with Clementine it's different. I admit I was in a state of heartbreak and guilt but give me a break could you blame me. I was sitting on my bed frustrated when I heard voices from outside my door. I got up and moved closer over hearing who the voice was and it was Hayes.

"No he's lost it, maybe this was a bad idea" Hayes said and I raised an eyebrow, "no this is stupid, I've helped you break them up and now not even Clementine would talk to me" Hayes said. "Yes I know I hacked into his computer and it was wrong but you made me!" Hayes yelled. "Whatever" Hayes said then I moved away from the door in shock over what I had just heard. 'Why would Hayes having something to do with me and Clementine breaking up' I thought to myself. I looked at my phone and opened up my text messages seeing Clementine was the last person I texted.

Then I got a text from Cameron saying we had our baseball match tomorrow and there would be scouts watching us. Crap I had completely forgot about that, I hopped off my bed and got together my baseball stuff and placed it in the corner of the room. Once that was packed and organised I placed my homework in my bag and went to have a shower and get changed. "Nash" I heard Skylynn call out from down the hall, "Nash!" Se called and once I was finished with my shower and changed I exited the bathroom seeing her standing out side my room. "Nash" she said looking over at me, "yes Skylynn" I said. "Can Clementine come over?" She asked and I rubbed the bottom of my chin, "of course" I answered and Skylynn went running to the phone. This was gonna be fun.

Clementine POV

Skylynn invited me over and I couldn't say no to her so I just tagged along, when I got the house I let myself in and straight away I saw Nash. "Uh hi" I said and he awkwardly waved, "Clementine listen I-" he started but I shook my head. "Look Nash I get it I really do the whole not liking me but you didn't have to date me than break my heart" I said trying not to cry. "But Clementine that video I deleted and someone hacked in my account and re-uploaded it" he said and I looked at him questioningly. "Oh really Nash well then how do I know you're not lying to my face" I said and he pulled my body in close to him and smashed his lips into mine.

He kissed me passionately like it was the last time he ever would or like he was trying to prove something to me. Our lips moved in sync as my hands rested against his chest and he kept the kiss going, until we parted and our foreheads rested against each other's. "Because I still love you" he whispered, I was silent for a moment until I had enough courage to say those words back to him. "I love you too" I said and he smiled, "come on let's go" he said and I pushed him back up against the wall. "Not so fast don't you have a game tomorrow?" I asked and he smirked, "yea" he replied. "Well you better practice if you wanna win" I said and he kissed my forehead. "Clementine please be my girlfriend again?" He asked and I hugged him. "Yes, I'd love to" I answered and he hugged me back.

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