Chapter 12

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Shawn POV

following Will to Nash's room I was a little pissed at Nash that he would bully Clementine. Like why would he in the first place anyways, we soon got to Nash's hospital room and I looked around seeing it was empty. All that was there was Nash hooked up to an IV machine and and oxygen mask over his face. "How long has he been out?" Clementine asked, "a day now" Will answered. "Sorry I have work now but if you want you guys can stay" Will said and I nodded in agreement, "no worries I have to go anyway" I said looking at Clementine.

Clementine POV

Shawn looked over at me and I looked at Will, "Will can I stay with Nash?" I asked and he smiled. "Sure you can I'll let the nurse know and you can stay with him overnight" Will said and I looked at Shawn, "okay then" he said and I nodded back at Will. So Shawn and Will soon left and I stayed with Nash, his heart monitor beating steady as the green line kept moving.

A few hours later and it was now 8:30pm, Nash was still not waking up and he probably wouldn't anytime soon. I soon fell asleep in the chair and the last thing I saw was Nash still knocked out. The next time I woke up to someone touching my arm and gently rocking it, I woke up and it was 2am but when I looked to my left I saw Nash awake."Hey" I said quietly and carefully removed his oxygen mask but he still had a breathing tube on too. "Clementine what are you doing here?" He asked his voice sounding raspy. "I stayed and your brother Will went home with Shawn" I said and he just stared. "Do you remember what happened?" I asked and a single tear escaped his eye.

"Clementine I'm sorry for all the trouble I put you through and why I bullied you I really am and I get if you don't want to forgive me I understand but I just want you to know I'm sorry" he said and I moved some hair away from his forehead. "Nash it's okay" I said, "I forgive you" I said showing him a little smile.

Nash POV

"You what" I whispered, "I forgive you Nash" she said. "Thank you I promise I'll be better" I said and she smiled. "Okay Nash let me call the nurse" she said and she grabbed the remote pushing a button and then the nurse came in. She checked my vitals over and asked me some questions about my self harm and I answered them. The nurse soon left and Clementine was on the phone to someone before she looked over at me and hung up.

"How are you feeling?" She asked, "I could be better" I said and she nodded. I kept my eyes on Clementine as she came to sit on the edge of my hospital bed. "Clem" I said and she turned around passing me a glass of water that I drank then gave it back. "Yea" she said, "thank you" I said and she just smiled. The doctor soon walked back in and did some sort of check up on me, "So by tomorrow afternoon you'll be allowed to go home" they said before leaving the room.

"Great" Clementine said and I looked at her tiredly, "you should get some rest" she said and she went to talk out of the room but i grabbed a hold of her hand. "no stay here" I said and she looked at me sympathetically, "Nash please you nee-" she began again. "I don't want to rest" I argued and she held my hand in her own. "I'll still be here when you decide to wake up" she said and I looked at her tiredly, "Okay" I said and my eyes closed as I fell asleep.

Clementine POV

I was looking at Nash as he rested in the hospital bed when the door opened and I looked over to see Hayes nervously enter the room. "Hi Hayes" I said and he looked down at the floor, "Um Clem I'm sorry about earlier today" he said as he slowly looked up at me. "Hayes it's fine" I said and he shook his head, "No it's not I shouldn't have called you a slut I'm sorry" he said again. "Hayes I'm serious it's alright" I said and he walked over cautiously, "seriously I'm not gonna bite" I said and he laughed.

"How's he doing?" Hayes asked, "he's resting now but he seems okay" I said and Hayes sighed. "I don't know what's wrong with him" Hayes said and I sighed, "Hayes your brother is just going through a rough time" I said and he closed his eyes in a pained expression. "He'll be okay" I said rubbing his back. "I'm going to get something to eat" Hayes said before walking out of the hospital room and I felt something soft on my cheek, I snuck a peek seeing Hayes kissing my cheek before he left the room.

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