Chapter 6

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Nash POV

The next morning I woke up to Hayes shaking me to wake up. "What?" I groaned. "Dude you were moaning Clem's name in your sleep" Hayes said and I was now fully awake. "Oh" I said and I got out of bed and went to get ready for school. "Is there something your not telling me?" Hayes asked and I shook my head. "Right" he said and he kept staring at me, "what?" I asked and Hayes rolled his eyes at me. "Get up we have school!" Hayes yelled and I jumped out of bed and went to get ready.

Clementine POV

I woke up to my alarm and I immediately groaned, I rolled out of bed and looked at myself in my full length mirror. I looked horrible and I already had bruises coming in from yesterday. I went over to my dresser and pulled out my clothes for school, black ripped skinny jeans with an Alice in wonderland printed long sleeve tee. I brushed my hair and put it up in a high ponytail. Shit I didn't go to detention yesterday but whatever I mean I did nothing wrong but tell the truth.

I did my make up and put on some small hooped earrings before grabbing my bag and heading downstairs. "Come aren't you gonna have breakfast?" Dad called as I walked to the front door. "No thanks" I said and rushed out the door to school. I walked my usual route to school and I made it without seeing Nash or any of his friends. Getting to school I cleaned up my locker putting my books back in. When I was done I closed my locker. I went to walk to my next class when I felt myself bump into someone, my books scattered along the floor. I looked up seeing someone I recognised but not quite, "oh my gosh I'm so sorry" he said quickly gathering my books for me.

"It's fine um what's your name?" I asked and he just smiled, "Ethan, Ethan Dolan" he said handing me my books and helping me up. "I'm Clementine" I said and he smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you Clementine" he said and I giggled, "your cute" he commented and I tried not to blush. "Thanks" I whispered, "um well see ya later I guess" he said and I nodded before he walked off to class and I did the same.

Nash POV

Who was that talking to Clementine, she looked like she really liked him. I thought for a moment until it came to my head who it was. It was Ethan Dolan he had a twin brother Grayson Dolan. I watched Clementine head off and then I followed after her to get to class. Next class was English and we were learning Shakespeare's you know the whole oh Romeo where for all vow Romeo stuff.

Yep back then they didn't know how to flirt but whatever, I sat on the top of my desk and Amber came to me smiling like she was up to mischief. "Hey Amber" I said in fake enthusiasm, "hey hottie" she flirted. Seriously most girls in our grade were sluts except for one and she just so happened to be gorgeous which was Clementine.

---time skip to lunch---

I left class with Matthew and he was asking me all sorts of questions like who do you like, anyone there, gonna take someone home. He was obsessed in this stuff but than again he was dating the head cheerleader Mya. I wasn't surprised he loved his popularity. Walking into the lunch room and sitting at our table everyone was talking and laughing.

When I looked up from Nash I saw Clementine than I looked over at Matthew and he showed me a smirk. I watched as she walked over and sat at an empty table by herself hardly touching her food. Then I saw Matthew get out of his chair.

Uh ohh

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