This Could Be Fun (Jelsa)

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"Anna, you know I don't feel comfortable about this," Elsa pleaded, "Please don't."

Anna sighed, "You're no fun."

"No, I'm safe. There's no way I'm giving my number to a complete stranger."

"He's not a stranger! I come here at least every Tuesday and he is the sweetest."

"If you think so, leave him your number!"

"He's not interested in me, I see the way he looks at you and that is not the same."

"Anna, this is a pizza place. He is the waiter. He looks at people like that so people will give him tips."

"Or he's interested in someone-"


"Like you!"

Elsa rolled her eyes. "I'm going to go pay and," she gave Anna a warning glance, "don't you dare slip him my number." Elsa left with her purse.

Anna slouched in her seat. Elsa was letting another opportunity slip past her. Anna got to thinking and, despite what her sister said, she started jotting Elsa's number on a napkin. She finished and quickly stuffed it in her pocket before Elsa got back.

Elsa walked up to the table, "You would not believe your ears."

"What?" Anna asked curiously.

"Your waiter boy has a girlfriend."

"What!? How do you know?"

"Oh, unless he kisses every girl that comes into the restaurant, I'd say so."

Anna peeked around Elsa where indeed the lover boy was kissing a girl. "Wow. Looks like she can hardly breathe."

Elsa chuckled, "Guess you can leave me alone about him."

Anna grinned slyly," Oh Elsa, there are plenty of fish in the sea."

The two girls walked out to Elsa's light blue car. Before Anna got in, she pulled the crumpled napkin out of her pocket. She sighed and tossed it towards a nearby trash can before she hopped into the car.


Jack parked in the Pizza Place parking lot. It had been a long day of doing absolutely nothing and he had to make a stop for pizza. When he stepped out of his car, a napkin stuck to his shoe.

"Ugh," he sighed, exasperated. He picked it up to throw it away when he noticed something was scribbled onto it. Jack flattened it on the hood of his car and smoothed out the barely legible writing. It had the name Elsa on it with a string of numbers, obviously this girl's number.

Jack pulled out his phone and stared, wondering if he should dial the numbers. Who knew, this could be fun!


Elsa was reading a book. It was 8 o'clock when her phone buzzed. She glanced at the number. She didn't recognize it, so she ignored it. The buzzing stopped, but less than five seconds later, it was vibrating again. Elsa hit the ignore button, glad to find some peace. But to no avail. The phone buzzed once more. This same unknown caller. Exasperated, Elsa picked up the phone. "Sorry wrong num-"

"Hey, Elsa right?" A male voice asked.

"Um, hello?"


"I'm sorry, do I know you?"

"I don't think so."

"Then why are you calling me...and how do you know my name?"

"I have my resources..."

"Anna..." Elsa angrily grumbled under her breath.

"What was that?"

"Ugh, please don't tell me you work at the Pizza Place." Elsa was ready to slap her sister silly.

"What? No!"

"Then who are you?!"

"No need to be rude!"

Rude? "You're the one not telling me who you are! You know how creepy this is?!"

"Hey, in my defense, you're the one who left your number out."

"I did not! My dumb sister is obsessed with finding a boyfriend for me."

"Wow. She must be leaving notes with your number around town."

"She is really- wait, she left notes around town!?"

"Ouch! No need to shout!" He shouted back.

Elsa held her phone away from her ear. Of all the inconsiderate-

"Hello? You still there?"

Elsa sighed loudly and put it back to her ear. "Why are you still talking to me?"

"You kidding? This is fun!"

"You think arguing with me is fun," Elsa asked sarcastically.

"Yes. It's quite entertaining."

Elsa sighed loud enough for him to hear.

"Oh! And to answer your question, I found your name and number on a napkin outside of the Pizza Place."

Elsa sighed in relief. Maybe Anna only wrote her number on one napkin and had planned to give it to the waiter.

"Well that's a relief," she said.

"I know, talking to me is very relaxing."

"That's not what I meant," Elsa said in a very exasperated tone.

"That hurts, Elsa," he said in a sad voice.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do you need a bandage? Or some ice?"

She could hear the boy laughing on the other end.

"By the way," she started, "you never told me your name."

"Oh, getting into the personal questions are we?"

"You are simply impossible." Elsa said, starting to give up. "You know mine, it's time for you to return the favor.

"Fine, I'm Jack." And before Elsa could say anything else, he hung up on her.


Jack? Who the heck was Jack? There were plenty of Jacks at school, but none of them seemed to sound like this one. Elsa decided to do some research of her own.

She got on her laptop and searched up Jack to see if any mutual friends popped up. But the search was too broad. It was impossible to tell if one of them was the one who called her.

Frustrated, she slammed the lid closed, and leaned back in her chair. She closed her eyes and before she knew it, she was asleep.


Jack smiled foolishly to himself from his room. He had finally called this girl and he was right. This was fun. When he first dialed the numbers, he was thinking he'd never bother her again. But after this slightly amusing conversation, he began rethinking his intentions.

Without really thinking, he entered her number into his phone and saved it under the name: Elsa.

This Could Be Fun (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now