I'm Not Sure if I can Avoid Trouble

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"Well?" Anna anticipated what Elsa was going to say.

Should she tell her about Hans? He was Anna's ex, but Anna was usually all about "forgive and forget."

"Um, well, your, uh, Hans." Elsa spit out.

"What about him?"

"He's been, well, he's after me."

"Then tell the school or our parents-"

"No! Don't tell anyone!"

"Okay... Why does he have it out for you?"

"He started it. He stole my math work and I sort of got him back."

"You? You pulled a prank on Hans?"

"Yeah, and he's after me because of it. Yesterday he formed an army while I stayed holed up in the bathroom."

"Really? That jerk!" Anna seriously looked like she was about to punch that guy right now. Elsa quickly held up a pillow and Anna swung. Multiple times. After a while, she stopped.

"You done?"

"Yeah," Anna said, shaking out her hands.

"So what are we going to do about it?" Anna asked.

"We are not going to do anything. I, on the other hand, will have to pray he doesn't hurt me before school gets out."

"Elsa, I am helping you and there's no way you can stop me!" Anna said, crossing her arms and looking stern.

Elsa knew she wouldn't be able to break her.

She sighed, "Okay, but don't do anything stupid, okay?"

Anna nodded quickly and smiled. "Don't worry, Elsa. We'll fix this."


Jack paced in his room with nothing else to do. His eyes wandered the floor as he muttered to himself. His eyes suddenly found the ball he had been throwing when Elsa first called him. Jack picked it up and pondered. Then he froze.

He had not called her back. She was probably thinking he didn't want to talk to her anymore. Crap!

He rushed downstairs. He rummaged through drawers, not finding anything.

"Mom! Where is my phone?"

"Why do you need to know?"

"I need to make a call!"

"Use the house phone!"

"I haven't memorized the number!"

"You are still grounded young man!" His mother shouted from the other room.

"Tell me where my phone is, woman!"

"Jackson!" She sounded pretty angry.

"Aaarrrrggg!" Jack shouted, frustrated. He slammed the door behind him and took a deep breath. The outside air was a bit chilly, but he didn't care. He started strolling down the street.


"Elsa?" Elsa's mother called from downstairs.

"Yeah, Mom?"

"Can I talk to you?"

Elsa hesitated before she said, "Sure."

Anna was in the hallway, looking like she wanted to come too. Elsa shook her head no and went down stairs.

"My boss called," her mother started simply.


"I will be having a meeting with him here on Saturday, and apparently his son is having trouble at school. I told him that they could come over for dinner and you two could, I don't know, talk."

"Why me? Why not Anna?"

"Because he's closer to your age. I think he said he was 18."

"Okay, um I guess I could-"

"Great! You won't have any trouble at all! He said his son is good at school, just having trouble with some of the people that go there."

"Okay, I don't know how much I can help him, but-"

"I'm sure you'll be great. I'll call Mr. Isles back tonight."

Elsa's eyes went wide with terror.


Jack huffed as he walked further and further away from his home. He was not usually this angry at his mother, but something had triggered him. He still didn't know what.

He walked all the way to Sandy's house. It was late, but Jack really needed his friend. Sandy lived in a one story house, so Jack knocked on his window. He was surprised at how quickly Sandy came and lifted the window.

"I need a place to crash and I didn't want to disturb your folks so-"

Sandy cut him off by pulling him inside.


Jack took off his sweatshirt and dropped it on the floor beside him. Sandy had given him blankets to lay out on the floor for a bed. Jack snuggled up comfortably.

"Do you want to talk, Jack?" Sandy asked quietly.


"Okay, but you owe me."

Jack smirked, "Yeah, thanks again Sandy."

"No problem, but next time you have to come knocking on my window at 11:30, try to give me a heads up."

"Will do," Jack said before drifting off to sleep.

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