I'm Not Sure if I'll Tell People About You

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Jack went to school the next day not even thinking about Elsa. At his school he wasn't extremely popular. He was invisible to nearly everyone. He had a few friends: Aster, Tooth, North, and Sandy.

Aster was pretty popular among the other students. Jack wondered why he would hang out with him at all, given his popularity ratings.

Tooth was friends with just about anyone, but she seemed fond of Jack for some reason. Her real name was Tiana, but after her episode of the Tooth Fairy in 4th grade, she was given the nickname.

North was always happy. And he was extremely fond of Christmas, so he also developed a nickname.

Then there was Sandy. He was quiet, but probably Jack's closest friend. Believe it or not, but Sandy's birth name is in fact Sandy.

And if you're wondering about Jack... Well, his family thought they'd be humorous with his name. Their last name was Frost, so Jackson was obviously the name they chose. Sometimes Jack thought it to be a sick joke, but he went with it.


Jack was driving to school, although he was almost done. School ended in 2 weeks. Jack did a lot of skipping, which meant bad grades on his report card. His parents, of course, were not proud. To punish him, they made him pay for his own car and gas. Jack surprised them when he had been working at a gas station and the local ice cream parlor for nearly 4 years. He had also been scooping snow from neighbors' yards for money. Therefore, Jack was liked around the neighborhood, quickly earning enough to buy an old car with gas money to spare.

Jack silently drove to Sandy's house. It was routine to pick up his friend for school. It was their chance to talk before anyone else could.

"Hey," Jack said, reaching over to open the passenger door from the driver's seat.

Sandy smiled as he got in, "Hey to you."

Jack put the car in Drive and asked. "Any new installments since I last saw you?"

"Nah, not since I saw you yesterday."

"Oh come on! I'm sure there's something."

"Well, unless you count the new cereal my mother made me try this morning, no."

Jack chuckled, "I knew something was different!"

Sandy laughed, "How about you?"

"Ah, same old, same old."

Sandy raised a brow. Whenever Jack said those words, something happened.

Jack glanced over at his friend," Ok, fine, you got me. I prank called this girl last night."

"Really? Who?"

"Some girl named Elsa."


"You know her?"

"No, do you?"

"Frankly, not really. I found her number in a parking lot and decided to have some fun with it."

"So what'd you say?"

"Oh, not much. We yelled at each other for a while, which, I won't lie, was amusing."

Sandy chuckled. "Are you going to call her back?"

Jack shrugged,"Don't know. She seemed a little angry at me."

Sandy smirked,"Angry at you?" He faked innocence. "I wonder whatever for!"

Jack smiled and thought: Which is why I'm going to call her again.

They pulled into the school parking lot and Sandy hopped out. "See you later?"

"Yeah," Jack answered. Sandy walked off to the school. Jack grabbed his bag and swung it over his shoulder.


Elsa packed her bag for school. This was going to be a long day. School was never her favorite. Sure she did well in her classes, but school was more than that. Mostly, it was a big popularity contest, and Elsa was not winning. Elsa was a very reserved person. She let few people in and shut the world out. The person she was closest to was her younger sister Anna, but with Elsa a senior and Anna a sophomore, they didn't get to hang out much.

Anna was a bubbly girl that couldn't possibly hate anyone. She was literally physically incapable of hatred.

Elsa just didn't care for anybody. Sure she loved her sister, but that hardly counted.


Elsa got into her car and waited for Anna. Anna was always either really late, or super early. Elsa, on the other hand, was right on time. "Anna! Hurry up!" She yelled out the window.

Elsa wondered if she should tell Anna about Jack. Maybe she knew him. But she instead brushed it aside when the door to the house swung open.

Anna rushed out the door wearing a black shirt, royal blue jeans, black boots, and a hot pink sweatshirt. (Original right 😆)

Anna hopped into the car, "How to I look?"

"Fine," Elsa backed out of the driveway.

"No, really Elsa," Anna pleaded.

Elsa sighed," you look cute, but did it have to take that long?"

"A cute little girl cute, or a cute hot cute?" Anna asked further.

"Why does it matter?"

Anna slouched in her seat and played with her braid, not answering.

Elsa smirked, "Is it a boy?"

"What!? No! Maybe... Yes," she admitted.

"Who is he?"

"Why would I tell you?"

"Because you're asking my opinion."

"Oh how I look, not if you like the boy or not."

Elsa just drove, she wasn't one to gossip.

"Well, if you want to know so badly, here it is," Anna said quickly.

Elsa smiled and slightly rolled her eyes.

"His name is Kristoff and he's on the ice hockey team and he's really good and he's in my history class."

"Anything else you want to tell me about him?" Elsa asked, teasingly.

Anna giggled, then she got serious, "Do you think he'll like me?"

"Who could possibly not like you!?" Elsa meant it to be an ironic joke, because it was true.

"You have to say that because you're my sister," Anna said.

"But if it's the truth?"

Anna giggled, "Then I have no reason not to trust you!"

Elsa smiled to herself as she pulled into the school's parking lot.

"Have fun!" Elsa said before Anna could leave the car.

"You too!" Anna said before she shut the door and hurried to school.

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