I'm Not Sure of Anything Right Now

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He finally got home that night to find his phone was on the table. His mother was no where to be seen, so Jack took advantage of the moment. He saw he had a message from Sandy and one from Tooth. None from Elsa. Well, technically she contacted him last, so it was his turn.
Sandy's message read: U ok bro?
Tooth: You alrite?
Jack texted back that he was fine and was about to call Elsa. Then his phone buzzed.
A message from Tooth: K, but if you need 2 talk, im right here.
Jack: got it, thx
Then he was about to find Elsa's number when his phone beeped again: Low Battery.
"Arg! The world has it's mind set on ruining my entire existence!"
He plugged it in and stood my the counter as it charged. He dialed Elsa's number.
It took a while, but she finally picked up.
"Hello." She sounded annoyed.
"Hey," Jack said cheerfully. "Good news! I-"
"Finally decided to call me back?"
"Yes, but-"
"God Jack! You left me thinking up every possible scenario and here you finally decided to call back. What the-"
"Would you shut up and stop interrupting me!" Jack yelled back.
Elsa was silent but he could still hear her breathing on the other end.
"I meant to call back, but unfortunately, the world had other plans."
"Hmm," Elsa didn't sound convinced.
"I got my phone taken away after you called me in class, then I got ultra grounded and had my phone taken away from me, what did you want me to do!?"
Elsa didn't answer.
It was awkwardly silent till it was shattered by Jack.
"So, how are you doing?" Jack asked casually.
He heard a faint giggle on the phone.
"Oh, Jack. Always the ice breaker."
"I always like to play it cool."
"Hmm, I guess. And I'm fine. You?"
"You mean you're fine now... That you're talking to me."
"Don't flatter yourself."
"You practically said so yourself! You said you were spending all your time staring at your phone waiting for me to call back. That's just a little obsessive..." Jack said, smirking.
"Just like how you were stressing about trying to call me back?"
"Let's not change the subject."
"Hmm," Elsa said, a hint of amusement in her voice.
"And I also forgot to mention that I have a life size cut-out of you!" Elsa gasped, exaggerating it all. "Do you think you could sign it for me!"
Jack chuckled, "That's more like it!"
Elsa giggled, "Ugh, I knew you'd take that as a complement."
"You know it!"
That reminded Elsa, she still had no idea what this boy looked like. Her curiosity got the best of her, "What do you look like?"
"Elsa... I told you about being obsessive..."
"It's not obsessive, just dedicated..." Elsa joked. "But really..."
Elsa sighed. Leave it to Jack to make a game out of everything. "Okay, is your hair black?"
"Nope! My turn! Are your eyes blue?"
"Lucky guess."
"It has nothing to do with luck, I'm just that good!"
"Mhmm... Are your eyes blue?"
"Yes... Is your skin pale?" Jack asked.
"Yeah, comes with the blue eyes."
"Never would have guessed."
"You too?" Elsa asked.
"Elsa, you can't just copy my questions."
"I didn't see it in the rule book."
"You must have missed it. "Page 37, paragraph 4, it's right there."
"Must have missed it. But you must have missed rule 83, page 42. 'A player can ask the same questions as their opponent, as long as both players think it is a reasonable question.'"
There was a pause, then, "No comment."
Elsa rolled her eyes. Then there was a fuzzy sound coming through and the call was ended. "What? Did-Did he just hang up on me?"
She realized he couldn't hear her, and put her phone down, sure he must have had his reasons.
"Elsa?" She had stopped answering. He looked to see his phone was completely dead. Done for. Out of juice. Useless.
He cursed. The only thing he could do was wait for it to charge. Waiting. That was always fun.
The night came and went. Jack decided not to call Elsa till the evening. Saturdays were usually fun. No school and all, but, he was grounded. He had to do chores around the house instead. He couldn't wait for next week went the ice cream parlor opened again for the summer. Then he'd have something to do. He was laid-off at the gas station, so there went that extra cash. That meant probably no driving for the next week.
The big day was here. Hans was coming over and he was probably going to kill her. Literally. Okay, not literally, but pretty close. Too close.
Elsa paced her room while Anna sat in a chair thinking the situation through.
"You could get sick?" Anna emphasized the last word and used air quotes.
"No, Mom would know. And you know I'm a horrible lier."
Elsa stole a glance at Anna, but the dilemma at hand was eating her to he bone. She started fidgeting with her hands and hair and biting her bottom lip.
"Hmm," Anna thought aloud. "You could lock yourself in your room? Mom can't force you to come out."
"Anna, there's an extra key in the basement landing. She'd easily get in here."
"Well I give up!" Anna threw her arms up in frustration.
"We have to come up with something!" Elsa was desperate.
Just then, the doorbell rang.
He was here.

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