I'm Not Sure

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Elsa drove Jack back to Burgess. "Thanks, you know, for... everything."

Elsa saw the genuine smile on his lips as she drove. "You're welcome."

"You didn't have to do any of it."

"Yeah, I kinda did."

Jack looked at her like she was the most fascinating thing he had ever seen. It made Elsa restless in her seat.

"Why were you at that party in the first place?"

Jack hesitated and ran a hand through his hair. "Well, I went to pull someone out. Aster, my friend, actually. He drunk called me and I went after him."

"Sounds familiar."

Jack looked at her horridly. "Oh my God. I called you? Drunk?"

"How else do you think I knew where you were?"

"I don't know. My brain hasn't exactly been functioning this morning."

Elsa kind of smirked and kept driving.

"What did I say?"

"Um, you called me a whole bunch of nicknames and commented me on my skating." She didn't mention he called her beautiful. "And you told me where you were, and that you were driving home."


"Nothing bad, just abbreviations of my name like Elsie, or Else."

"Ugh," Jack rubbed his face with his hands. "I'm sorry, I'm not usually this embarrassing."


"So," Jack tried to reclaim his dignity. "You hacked into my phone."

"It's not hacking if there is no passcode."

"It's still hacking."

"It's concern for others' well beings without extra drama."


"You won't get chewed out by your mother."

"Ah, you've got my life handled."

"No," she said, staring only at the road in front of her.

Jack shrugged and faced forward too. His stomach was still churning and being on the road didn't exactly help.

"How often do you go to these parties?"

"Way less than you might think."

"Uh huh."

The silence went on for a while. Elsa thought he just didn't want to talk. The truth was that Jack just didn't know what to say.


Elsa drove to Tompson's house where a few cars were still parked. Jack's being one of them. Elsa got out, along with Jack. She leaned against her car as Jack came around and stood in front of her. "Hey. Thanks again." He said, meaning every word.

"No problem. This can be my way of paying you back."

"I didn't help you with that jerk so you would owe me.

"I know, but it still mattered to me," Elsa said, slightly blushing.

Jack smiled back and hopped in his car. "See you at work."

"Yeah." Elsa watched as he drove off.


The drive back home was boring. Elsa didn't have anything planned for the day and Anna was out with Kristoff. She had the whole house to herself.

Elsa was surprised when she got a text from Hans.

Hans: is the Ice queen bored?

Elsa: no 😒

Hans: ur lying

Elsa: what, are you stalking me?

Hans: no, ur just not with me :D

Elsa: sure, because I can't possibly live without you.

Hans: remember that! ;)

Elsa rolled her eyes. She didn't really feel like putting up with him right now. She decided not to answer. A few minutes later, her phone beeped again.

Hans: is the ice queen ignoring me?

Elsa: yes.

Hans: that's cold, even for the ice queen

Elsa: would you stop calling me that

Hans: nah

Elsa: stop texting me then.

She didn't get a reply. Pretty soon, her phone rang.


He was really getting under her skin.

She answered. "What?" She spat.

"You wanted me to stop texting you!"

"Just leave me alone."

"Playing hard to get? It's a good thing I don't give up easily."

"Ugh. What do you want now?"

"To spend some time with you!"

Elsa was caught a little off guard.

"You weren't expecting that, were you Ice Queen?"

"I've already spent too much time with you."

"The Ice Qu-"

Anna burst through the front door. "Hey, Elsa! Did the dude leave?"

"Yeah, I drove him."

"Oh, did he- who are you on the phone with?"

"The most annoying creature on earth."

"I can still hear you," Hans said.

"Don't tell me..." Anna started, but Elsa's nod said it all.

Anna grabbed Elsa's phone and screamed, "DIE! You stupid piece of ****!" She hung up.

Then she looked at Elsa who was trying to contain her amusement. "It's too bad you don't have one of those old phones with the cord. I really wanted to slam-hang-up on him."

Elsa laughed. "You did just fine."


"Where were you?"

"At a friend's house," Jack answered.

Jack's mother frowned.

"Listen, I'll try to give you more warning next time, but please forgive me."

His mother smiled now and hugged him. "I know I'm a little too over protective, but I love you and I don't want anything happening to you."

"I love you too."

This Could Be Fun (Jelsa)Where stories live. Discover now