I'm Not Sure Where I Am

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Jack woke up to the sound of a coo coo clock. It chimed seven times. He sat up but quickly leaned his head back. God it hurt! He put his hand up to try to ease the pain, though it didn't work. Then he realized he wasn't at his house. Where the heck was he! He was in a nice place. The couch was comfy, he almost felt he'd be swallowed in it. There was a coffee table next to him with a pan and his phone on it. He suddenly didn't feel so well and grabbed the pan. He threw up. He haven't eaten much the night before so it was mostly dry heaving. It hurt like h*ll.
The room had a fireplace with a television above it. Book cases framed the mantle and potted plants sat in the corners of the room. It smelled kind of like flowers, but not so strongly as to make it uncomfortable. It smelled nice, and Jack felt so dirty in it. He still had no idea where he was, but wasn't about to get up and look around. Jack picked up his phone lazily and decided he'd better let his mother know he was okay. He went to text her, because he didn't feel like talking, and stopped quickly. His outbox showed he had already texted her, saying he wouldn't be home that night. He cursed, mostly in surprise. Who used his phone to text his mother? Ugh, all this thinking made his head hurt even more.
Jack was still sitting up, but leaning his head back on the couch when he heard some footsteps. They were coming from the stairs to his left. He kind of looked over miserably to see who it was. A girl with redorange hair in messy braids didn't even look at him. She went to a kitchen on the other side of the stairs. She came into the living room after a while with a mug.
"The party dude lives," she smiled. Jack just groaned, "Where am I?" He mumbled.
"The Arendelle residence." She handed him the mug. It was warm tea. He cupped it in his hands, thankful for the warmth. The girl sat on the coffee table across from him. She glanced at the tub he had vomited in with disgust.
"Somebody had a good wake up call," she commented.
Jack didn't really answer. He sipped at the tea, but not for long.
He grabbed for the tub and puked again. The girl jumped up and backed away. "Eww!" She held her nose. "I'm gunna go get Elsa," she said before running up the steps.
It took Jack a minute to comprehend. Wait? He was at Elsa's house?
Before he could finish, two pairs of footsteps came tromping down the stairs. Elsa appeared with the girl behind her.
"Are you okay?"
Jack suddenly felt embarrassed. "I've, uh, I've been better."
"No kidding."
Elsa rushed downstairs when Anna said Jack was awake. He was sitting up on the couch, looking absolutely horrible. "Are you okay?"
"I've, uh, I've been better."
"No kidding." His eyes were red and his face looked drained. His body was lying limply on the couch like he had no muscle in him at all. Poor Jack.
She picked up a blanket that was raveled at his feet and covered him with it. He was shivering the whole time, though it didn't look like he knew it.
"Do you want anything?"
"No," he groaned.
"Do you want me to leave?"
He paused before he said, "No."
Elsa didn't know how to respond. "You need more rest. Sleep some more, and you should feel better when you wake up."
He just slightly nodded he held his hand out for her to take. She hesitantly took it, wondering if he was still slightly drunk. His hands were cold and shaking. She tried to calm them with her own and before long, he fell asleep. He rambled in his sleep, Elsa noticed. She couldn't make out any of the words, but she could tell he was in some sort of argument.
Kristoff came by around 10 to spend time with Anna. She was about to head out the door when she turned to Elsa, who was reading a book in one of the recliners.
"You're sure you'll be alright with him?" She pointed to Jack.
Elsa nodded. "I'll be fine, go ahead," she grinned for good measure.
Anna smiled back, "alright, I'll be back this afternoon. If you need anything, don't be afraid to call."
"Got it."
Anna gave the sleeping boy another cautious look before shutting the door behind her.
Elsa took her book back out and began reading again.
Jack woke again. He was still in that nice room. He looked around. It didn't take long for him to find Elsa in a chair a few feet away.
"Hey," he said softly.
She looked up. "Hey."
He started to get up, though his head hurt like hammers were slamming into it from the inside. Elsa looked at him worriedly. He sluggishly made his way over to her.
"You should sit down, Jack." She said, worry stressing from her lips.
"Where's the bathroom?"
"Down the hall, to the right," she pointed.
He nodded. Sort of. And went in that direction. He just went to use the toilet, but the shower was in there too. It was so inviting. He figured Elsa wouldn't mind and hopped in.
It took several minutes for Jack to come back from the bathroom. He came out with wet hair. Unfortunately, he had put his dirty, smelly clothes back on. Elsa got up and came back with a pile of her dad's old clothes. "Put these on instead."
"But those are your-"
"They were in the donation box, he's not going to wear them again. Get out of that filth you're wearing."
Jack looked in no mood to protest, grabbed the clothes, and went back to the bathroom to change. He came back out with the slightly big clothes on, holding onto what he was wearing earlier.
"I could wash that for you," Elsa offered.
"No thanks, I need to get home. Mind giving me a ride? I could also call for one though, so I don't give you the trouble-"
"I'll drive you."
"Thanks," he sighed.

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