I'm Not Sure if I Should do Anything

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"Hans, keep your hands off of me!" Elsa pushed him again as they walked to the lot.
"Why?" Hans was just testing her anger now.
"I have no idea where they've been!" Elsa walked ahead of him to his car.
Hans put his hands up in surrender. "Fine, no touching!"
Elsa glared at him and got in.
Hans started the car, but didn't make any move to go anywhere.
"Hans, let's go," Elsa said, rather impatiently.
He looked at her. Elsa wasn't looking at him, but she could feel his stare. It was burning through her and she suddenly felt the need to get out of the car.
"What do you want, Hans?" Elsa finally turned to him, annoyed.
"How was it?"
"The popcorn was a bit too salty, the skaters were practically flawless, and you were a pain in my-"
"Elsa," his tone cut her off. He looked like he desperately needed to know her legitimate answer.
"Okay," she was caught off guard by his face. "It was fine, I guess. But you tried touching me way too much. Cut it out." She said modestly.
His cat grin was full. "So you liked it."
"I never said that," she kept her eyes ahead.
He chuckled, "I like you too, Ice Queen." They drove off.
"Hans, keep your hands off of me!" Elsa pushed him again as they walked to the lot.
"Why?" Hans was just testing her anger now.
"I have no idea where they've been!" Elsa walked ahead of him to his car.
Hans put his hands up in surrender. "Fine, no touching!"
Elsa glared at him and got in.
Hans was his name. Wasn't that the guy that wouldn't leave Elsa alone? Jack pondered and saw that they just sat talking in his car. He was very confused.
He ignored it as he went back inside, changed, and handed in his things. This was a very interesting night indeed.
"I don't understand." Elsa stated.
"What?" Hans asked, sounding bored.
"How is this your big payback?" She looked at him.
There was his cat grin. "What makes you think this was payback?"
"You've been kind of trying to act nice to me all night. What are you really doing?"
"Kind of?"
"Answer the question."
"I don't have to do anything for you, Ice Queen."
Elsa crossed her arms. She knew she'd get no where with him. Finally they reached her house and she quickly got out. Unfortunately, the passenger side was faced away from the house, so she had to walk around the car.
Elsa started around the car where Hans was waiting for her. She brushed past him when his arm wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her back to him. She was trapped between Hans and his car. "Hans, no touching," Elsa reminded.
She started to sneak out when Hans suddenly had his hands on her hips. Elsa started to warn him when his lips reached her. She tried pushing him away, but he wouldn't move. His mouth was planted on hers and she was trapped. There was no way of escape.
She tried to say his name, tell him to get off, but there was no budge in him. Elsa tried prying his hands off her hips. They did let up. She used this to push him away. He wasn't touching her now, but he was close. His cat grin was back and he was breathing louder than before.
He was staring into her eyes when suddenly he got in his car. "I like you, Ice Queen." And drove off.
Elsa stood there stunned.
"What the h*ll was that!?"
Jack drove home without really thinking about anything. When he reached his house, he ate something and headed straight for his room. His phone lay tauntingly on his desk. He just stared at it for probably 10 minutes before picking it up and punching in the numbers.
"Hey, Elsa."
"Oh, hi Jack. So what's up?"
"Oh, not much really. I saw you with your enemy at work and wondered if you were still breathing."
She paused. "H-he forced me, alright," she said.
"I don't think anyone could force you to do anything."
"He told me that if I went with him, he would leave me alone."
"Do you believe him?"
"Well, n-no."
"Why not? What did he do to you now?"
Elsa didn't answer right away. Jack almost thought she had hung up on him, but he could hear her breathing.
"H-he he k-"
She stopped.
"Spit it out, Elsa!" He said, though not really yelling.
"He kissed me alright!" He heard her take a deep breath.
"Okay... and.."
"What else did he do?"
"Well, he told me he liked me and drove off."
"The feeling is not mutual, if that's what you're thinking, Jack. I know for a fact that he doesn't really like me! He's playing with me!"
"How do you know?" Jack was curious.
"His cat-like self says it all."
"Oops! I wasn't suppose to say that out loud..."
Jack laughed. He knew Elsa could hear him, but it was hilarious!
"Oh, shut up." She sounded annoyed.
Between laughs he said, "What animal do I remind you of?"
"Right now, a hyena."
Pretty soon they were both laughing.

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