I'm Not Sure if I I Should Tell You

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Later that night, Elsa was in her room alone. She began doing some homework before bed when her cell phone went off.
Unconsciously, she smiled as she pressed send to answer.
"What?" She asked, not thinking.
"You asked me how old I was. 18."
"Oh... Okay." She didn't really have a reply for that.
"How about you?"
"How old are you?" Jack said.
"Uh... 17."
"Are you sure?"
"Yeah, why?"
"You hesitated."
"I didn't lie."
"Sure sounded like it!" Jack kept teasing.
"Oh shut up." Elsa said, rolling her eyes.
"So, to make things interesting..."
"Jack..." Elsa was cautious.
"What do you like to do for fun?"
"Um," should she really tell this stranger about her?
"Ice skate."
"Ice skate?"
"Do I need to repeat myself?"
A moment of silence. Elsa thought she'd better say something quick, before he scared the living day lights out of her again.
"How about you?"
"Eh, sledding, watching movies, skating, hanging out with friends-"
"Skating? Like ice skating?" Elsa interrupted.
"Uh, no..."
"I have a hard time believing that."
"Actually, no, I roller skate."
"Have you ever tried ice skating?"
"No, it's the same thing, only colder."
"Eh, you get used to it."
"So, what's your favorite color?" Jack asked, changing the subject.
"Blue. You?"
"Okay, favorite food?" Elsa asked.
"Same." Jack answered.
Elsa laughed. "What?"
"You heard me."
Elsa realized he was serious, "um, controlling an element."
It went on like this for a long time. Elsa glanced at her clock and realized they had been talking for almost an hour. It was almost 11 o'clock.
Jack was about to ask her another question.
Elsa cut him off, "Jack?"
"It's getting late, and I have school tomorrow."
"So," she yawned. "I need to get some sleep."
"You don't want to talk to me anymore?"
"No, I don't want to be tired at school tomorrow."
"Ah, so that means you do want to talk to me again!"
"I never said-"
"Night!" Jack hung up.
Elsa looked at the phone in her hand. Why did he always have to have the last word?
She set her phone on her night stand and went to sleep.
Thursday. It was Thursday. Jack limply got out of bed, dreading the day to come. School was a bore and nothing really interested him. Finals were coming up, so he had to go in order to graduate. Skipping was not an option today.
His mother called from downstairs, "Jackson! You're going to be late!" Then she said quietly, "again..." But Jack heard it.
He reluctantly pulled on jeans and a hoodie, grabbed his bag and his phone off the charger, and went downstairs where his mother was tapping her foot.
He gave her a quick kiss on the cheek, grabbed a piece of toast out of the toaster, and hurried out the door. Jack hopped in his car and drove straight to school. Aster was waiting for him in the parking lot.
"Where's Sandy, Mate?"
"He didn't need me to pick him up," Jack answered.
"Really, because I have a few texts that say otherwise."
"Why would he text you when he needed a ride from me!" Jack said, rolling his eyes.
"Because he called you 7 times and you never answered. He thought I could get a hold of you."
"Sorry, my phone was off on the charger last night."
"You didn't answer at 10? Last I checked, you don't do bedtimes."
"I assure you, he didn't call me."
Aster looked at Jack, not convinced.
Jack sighed and pulled out his phone and turned it on. Sure enough, seven messages were in his voicemail.
"Hey, it's Sandy! I was wondering if you could give me a ride tomorrow. Call me when you get this."
Another played instantly after.
"Hey Jack, still Sandy. I need a ride to school tomorrow. Call me back."
Another started, but Jack stopped it.
He cussed and got in the car.
Jack pulled up to Sandy's house and glanced at his watch. They were going to be late. Sandy was on the porch. He stood up and got in the car without saying a word.
The ride was silent. Too silent. Jack was uncomfortable, and he could tell Sandy was too, the way he was shifting in his seat.
When they neared the school, Jack spoke up, breaking the silence like glass, "Listen, I'm sorry." Jack really meant it.
A few seconds passed before Sandy replied. "That's alright," he said quietly. Then he looked at Jack, "Why didn't you answer last night? Who were you talking to?"
"I wasn't talking to anyone. My phone was on the charge."
"When I called it said the line was busy," Sandy countered.
"Ugh, I give up." Jack said.
"It was that girl wasn't it?"
"You're going to have to clarify," Jack said, though he knew who Sandy was talking about.
"You know who."
"I swear you're a mind reader," Jack said smiling.
"No, I just know you, Jack."

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