I'm Not Sure with Tuesday

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Tuesday evening came slowly. Elsa was excited. She arrived 2 hours early to get her makeup and hair done mostly. After that was done, she went out to wait a while before she got in her skaters outfit.
Jack arrived about an hour early to work. He acted as if this was a normal day at work, which it was, hopefully.
He decided to fill his tray so it would be ready, but after that, he just had to wait. He sat on a bench nearby and took out his phone.
Jack: I expect you to perform flawlessly tonight 😏
Elsa: I have no doubts
Jack: where r u?
Elsa: in a back room.
Jack: that's not very specific ;)
Elsa: it's for performers only
Jack: I've always thought of myself as a performer :D
Elsa: of course you do -.-
Elsa texted with Jack. Suddenly he sent a text that stopped her cold.
Jack: You look good with your hair down ;)
Her head shot up to see Jack standing at the door. He was smiling at her with a sly grin. Small dimples formed on his cheeks.
Elsa got up and casually walked over to him. "You're not allowed to be in her you know," she motioned to all the skaters doing their hair and adjusting their skates.
"I know," he answered arrogantly. "I like living on the edge."
"Of course."
"So," Jack said, leaning on the doorframe, "same performance tonight?"
"Yup, though we're working on a new routine for next month."
"Is it good?"
"Should be, I helped choreograph it."
He smiled at her and it made Elsa a little uncomfortable.
"Well, um, I gotta get dressed for tonight, so, see ya."
"Yeah," he gave her a small wave goodbye and left.
Elsa swiped some hair out of her face as she rushed to get her costume on. Jack was nice enough. He was less annoying than Hans anyway. Elsa didn't know what to think, though she didn't have much time. She had a show to get to.
Jack worked through the show and caught glimpses of Elsa skating. She was doing great, as usual. When it was over, Jack got caught up putting his things away and talking to fellow employees that he didn't have time to catch Elsa before she left.
He drove home and watched some TV, though there wasn't really much on. Suddenly, he got a call from Aster.
"Hey what's-"
Aster sounded as if he turned and yelled to a crowd of people, "Mates! Jackie's on the phone!" Then yells were heard from Aster's end of the line. It sounded like a party.
"Aster, what are you doing?"
"Having fun, Mate! You should join me!" He slurred his words.
"Aster, please don't tell me you're drunk." Jack said slowly.
"I don't get drunk," he burped.
"How many drinks have you had?"
"Just a few, like 8 or 9. It might be 10."
Jack rubbed his temples. "Where are you?"
"This Tompson guy's place. This party is sick! Hey, dude!" He yelled at the end.
Jack's eardrums hurt. "I know Tompson, i'm coming to get you."
"I'm fine! I'm fine, I'm fine. Fine..." He repeated.
Jack rolled his eyes. "Be waiting on the front porch."
"Mate, they're playing spin the bottle, gotta run."
"Wait! No-" the line went dead. Great. Jack grabbed his jacket and pocketed his phone. He jingled his keys in his hand as he walked out to his car.
Jack arrived at Tompson's house a few minutes later. Aster was, of course, not waiting on the porch. Jack sighed heavily and went inside.
The party was thundering. You could probably hear it at least 5 blocks away. Jack pushed and shoved through the living room and the kitchen. The place was a mess. "Aster?" He called.
Couples were making out on either side of Jack. It was quite uncomfortable there. Jack kept searching. Guys kept offering him some beer, but he refused.
Jack turned to see Aster with a girl in each arm.
"Check out these chicks I met here." Both were nice looking, but Jack ignored that. "Aster, it's time to go."
"I'm not Aster."
"Then who are you?" Jack asked, exasperated.
"Bunny. My name is Bunny."
"No, your last name is Bunnymund, but your name is not Bunny."
"I'm Bunny, right girls?" Both giggled and nodded.
Jack had had enough. "Whatever, Bunny, we have to go now."
"Ah, come on! Stay a while, have some fun!"
"Ast-Bunny, we need to go now."
He crossed his arms like a child, "not until you have a drink." He left in search for one.
"No! Aster! I'm not having a drink."
Aster ignored him and pushed a cup into Jack's hands. "No."
Then Aster started chanting, "Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!" Pretty soon, everyone around them joined in. "Drink it! Drink it! Drink it! Drink it!"

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