I'm Sure this makes me happy

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Elsa was driven to the hospital the next day to get her cast on. Anna was with her in the back seat and her mother drove. The ride was silent.


"The swelling has gone down considerably and it looks like you can ditch the brace," the doctor said, showing Elsa the X-rays.

Elsa gave him a half grin as she was fitted for a cast. Before too long, a blue cast was on her arm. It went all the way up her lower arm, ending at her elbow.

She was able to go home before it was 4 PM.


Jack rang the door bell to Elsa's house. Anna answered.

"Hi," she smiled. Then it vanished. "You have to stay downstairs. If anyone other than my parents ask you upstairs, don't go."

"And as in other, you mean?" Jack joked.

Anna punched him in the arm.


"This is serious!" She hissed.

"Who's at the door, Anna?"

Her smile reappeared. "It's Jack!" She turned back to him. "Come in."

"What do they think I'm going to do upstairs? Mess up their house with blanket forts? Cause that's what I had planned today."

He earned another punch to the arm.

"Ouch!" He hissed at her.

"You can just stay downstairs."

Elsa came from the kitchen. Her parents were in the lounge to the left of the door, pretending to be interested in their reading materials.

"Hey," she gave him a small wave.

"Hiya. I see they've started mummifying you."

Elsa laughed and held up her arm. "You want to be the first to write on it? After Anna of course."

Anna sat next to Elsa on the couch. Anna scribbled her name on it with a heart. Jack sat on the other side of Elsa.

"What should I put on it?" He asked, uncapping the sharpie.

Elsa shrugged. "Your name, a doodle, anything really."

Jack crossed his legs and stretched out his arms, "this artist better get started then."

"Artist?" Elsa said sarcastically. "You never told me you draw."

"I have many hidden talents," Jack smirked as Elsa put her arm over his crossed legs for him to draw.

"Close your eyes."

"It's a secret now?"

"Yes." Jack grinned.


"Are you almost done? I'm going to fall asleep like this before long." Elsa complained.


Elsa opened her eyes. On her cast was a cute doodle of a snowman. She chuckled. "Ahh, he's adorable."

"What? I was going for manly!" Jack pretended to be offended.

"And stick arms are the way to do that," Elsa joked back.

"What do you propose, logs?"

Elsa laughed, "sorry, sorry. I like him."

"Good, I put hours of work into it," Jack said, smirking.

"Wow, time goes by really fast then. It felt to me like 5 minutes."

"Time does fly when you're with me!" Jack grinned wider.


"What time do your parents leave?" Jack asked, leaning back on the couch.

"Early. We have to get up at 4 so we can get to the coast in time for their departure," Elsa answered, putting her feet up.

"You think I could ride down with you?"

"I don't know, my parents might just want it to be just family."

"What with them gone, you'll need a man around, like me," Jack said, looking at Elsa for her reaction.

"Mmhmm," she said sarcastically. "We'll do fine on our own. I'll be back a little after noon. We can hang out then."

"Alright, but don't be too surprised if you hear from me before then."

"I'm sure you'll find something to do."

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