I'm Sure this is Not Good

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Elsa looked at the time. 2:28 in the morning. "Whoa, You guys know what time it is?"
Jack shook his head. "No, but I'm guessing we're going to find out."
Elsa gave him a look.
"Geez! Already 2:30?" Anna looked at the clock on the wall. "Are we pulling an all nighter?"
Kristoff shrugged. "Not me. Sorry, I've gotta get going."
Jack nodded and stretched. "I've got work in the morn- well, in a few hours."
Hans sat quietly, leaning against the couch.
"Okay, see you tomorrow?" Elsa asked Jack as she stood with him.
"Yeah," He kissed her on the forehead and headed for the door. Elsa followed.
"You know when he's gonna leave?" Jack whispered to Elsa, nodding his head towards Hans.
Elsa shook her head. "Soon, I hope."
"If you need anything. Call me, okay, I'm not too far away."
"Yeah," Elsa said quietly as she waved Jack goodbye. He got in his car just as Kristoff pulled out of the drive way with Sven sitting in the passenger seat.
Elsa closed the door and looked to where Anna and Hans were staring at her.
"Nothing." Anna turned to Hans. "When are you leaving?"
"I think I'll stay the night."
"Pfft, why?" Anna asked.
He shrugged. "I feel like it."
Elsa was too tired to argue. "Whatever, just stay downstairs." She went to the bathroom to brush her teeth.
"Alright, Ice Queen," came the call behind her.
Elsa finished in the bath room and was climbing up the stairs.
"Night, Ice Queen."
"Night," she said drowsily.
Elsa went to bed and quickly fell asleep.
Elsa rushed through the hospital. "Mama! Papa!" She ran through the rooms where many zombie like patients stared at her. "Anna, where are you?"
"Over here," came a faint reply. Elsa looked in the direction of the doors outside. Anna was out there. Elsa rushed to her sister and just as she was about to embrace her-"
"Elsa," something shook her.
"No, Anna," Anna vanished right in front of her. "Don't leave me."
"Elsa!" She kept shaking. Then she opened her eyes. Wait, what?
She was in her room, in her bed. She turned over to see Hans standing beside her. "Ah! I thought I told you to stay downstairs!"
"Come on," he grabbed her right wrist and pulled her out of bed.
"Hans, stop it. It's-" she looked at a clock. "Six in the morning! What the hell are you doing!?"
Hans tried to pull her out her door and when she refused, he picked her up, bridal style, and carried her downstairs. "Hans! You have 2 seconds to tell me what you're doing!"
"Look," he plopped her in front of the TV.
She looked at Hans instead. "You think you can just carry me around everywhere!? I'm-"
"Just look!" He turned her head to the TV.
The news was on. An alert was posted at the bottom: CRUISE SHIP STUCK IN THE ATLANTIC.
"No no no no no," Elsa squinted to see the name of the ship.
"The Gerda, isn't that the ship you're parents were on?" Hans asked from behind her.
Elsa's eyes widened in horror. Elsa ran to the phone and dialed her mother's cell. Ring...ring...ring.... No answer. She tried her father's. Same. "No!" She slammed the phone down.
"No!" She screamed at Hans. She looked back to the TV where the ship was very slowly sinking.
Her eyes filled with tears and she slowly sank to the floor, not tearing her eyes from the screen. Suddenly she felt arms wrap around her from behind. She turned slightly to see Hans, who was staring at the TV. Elsa couldn't help it. She turned into him and sobbed. It was more comforting than she thought, just to have him there. Hans, of all people, was with her, hugging her. She didn't like it, but in a way, she did. Elsa relaxed and, for the first time ever, didn't remove Hans' arms from off her.
Anna soon came down the stairs, wondering what all the commotion was about. She stopped when she saw the TV screen. She looked to Elsa to confirm what she saw and when she nodded, she huddled down with Hans and Elsa.
At 7 in the morning, Elsa called Jack and told him the news. He immediately called his manager and asked for the day off. Luckily, he obliged. Jack drove quickly to Elsa's.
Elsa opened the door when she heard Jack pull in the drive, and he ran up and hugged her. Elsa hugged him back and they stood on the porch for a while before heading inside.
They cuddled on the couch for a while with very minimal conversation. Kristoff came by shortly after and stayed with Anna inside the lounge with her. Hans made calls like a mad man. He called the cruise company, the news channel, you name it. He took a break after about 7 calls and sat in a chair across from Elsa and Jack.
After about 3 and a half minutes of silence, the phone rang. Hans was about to get up, but stopped when Elsa did.
She picked up the phone, "hello?"

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