I'm Not Sure if I'll Survive for Long

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Jack woke up early and quietly slipped on his sweatshirt. Sandy was still snoring, so Jack opened up the window and slipped outside by himself. He took a nice long walk to his house, thankful that it was Friday. The school week was almost over. Only one more to go.
He reached his house about 10 minutes later and opened the door as quietly as he could. His mother must have still been in bed, but the kitchen light was left on. A sandwich was left on the table. Jack picked it up and ate, not realizing till now that he was starving. He snuck up to his room, changed his clothes and went back to bed for another hour.
Elsa had complained to her mother about the dinner on Saturday, but she would hear nothing of it. Elsa was sent to her room and stayed there for the rest of the night.
The next morning, Elsa unconsciously reached for her phone from the night stand. Her frown deepened when she saw she had no missed calls or texts.
Sighing, she got up and ready for school. This was going to be a long day.
Jack, as always, picked up Sandy for school. Sandy, thankfully, mentioned nothing of the night before. They rode to school, talking about video games and sports and whatever else might be on their minds. It was normal.
The school day dragged by uneventful, but there were lots of tests and lectures. It all felt like a waste to Jack.
Elsa drove to school with Anna that morning. Anna said she would not leave Elsa's side today. That seemed to over do it but it felt good to have a little back up.
Elsa parked somewhat close to the school and walked up to the doors, her sister was right in step with her. Elsa noticed Hans standing in the doorway. He was staring daggers at Elsa.
When the two sisters reached him and were about to just go through the doors to school, Hans spoke up.
"Hello girls, lovely day," he put his kind, not to mention fake, smile on. "Can I talk to Elsa, please. Alone."
"Whatever you have to say, you can say to both of us," Anna said, looping her arm around Elsa's.
"What I have to say is confidential. It's none of your business, Anna."
"I think it is my business, Hans," she said, mimicking his tone with surprising accuracy.
Hans was fuming, and Elsa knew Anna was just getting started.
"You know why I broke up with you Hans? Because you're egocentric. You only ever wanted me to get you more attention. I was popular, you needed help. And the fool I was for trying!"
Anna was about to continue when Hans grabbed Elsa's arm and started pulling her to the side. Elsa tried to wriggle free, but he was way too strong.
"Let go of her!" Anna yelled. Elsa didn't know who was angrier, Anna, or Hans.
Elsa tried to slap his hand away, but he wouldn't let go.
That's when Anna did it. Elsa was sure it was all in slow motion. This had to be some kind of world news.
Anna punched Hans.
Right across his cheek.
Then she kicked him.
Right in his little sensitive spot.
Direct. Hit.
The world must have stopped turning then, because nothing happened for a few seconds. Hans grasped his groin and Anna pulled back, shaking her hand like she did with the pillow last night.
Hans looked like an axe murderer right then. Some of his hair was falling out of his perfectly slicked down hair that must have taken hours to do. His eyes had some sort of craziness in them. Elsa had never seen anything so frightening. Anna must have seen it too, because her eyes surely got bigger than her head.
Hans looked like he was going to kill them. But instead, his face turned soft. Fake soft. He smiled a toothy grin, "I look forward to dinner." His cheek was turning from pink to red. He then turned away and disappeared into the school.
This had to be scarier than a horror film.
As the school day went by, Elsa couldn't help but glance over her shoulder every few seconds. After every class, Anna was with Elsa, and they walked through the halls together. They always stopped at Elsa's next class first.
Math was the tricky part.
"Maybe you should just go home, Elsa," Anna suggested, though it was more like a plead.
"I have so much work to get done in that class. And the professor is very stern. Hans wouldn't dare try something."
"Okay," Anna said cautiously. "Just... be careful."
Elsa nodded, "I will be, just please be here right when the bell rings, okay?"
Math class passed by strangely, and harmlessly. The whole time, Hans stole glances at Elsa and kept smiling. He wiggled his eyebrows at her and kept a foolish grin on his smug face. Elsa glared at him and tried to keep focused on her work.
Eventually, class did end and Elsa scrambled for the door. Luckily, she made it out and Anna was right there as she said she'd be.
They went to the rest of their classes and fortunately, Hans was in none of them. The girls hurried to Elsa's car after school and locked the door, glad they could finally relax.
"Yeah?" Elsa started the car.
"What did Hans mean about dinner?"
Oh boy. Elsa had almost completely forgotten about that. "Oh yeah," Elsa said slowly. "Mom's boss is Hans' dad. And they are both coming over for dinner tomorrow night."
"What!? No!" Anna yelled.
Elsa nodded sadly and drove home while Anna was rambling on how what a jerk Hans was and what they should do about tomorrow night.

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