I feel like my friends don't believe I have depression because I'm never usually sad in their presence (they don't realize when I am), I always seem optimistic through text (that's because I am pretending I am an optimist), and basically to sum it up (because I'm lazy) I don't really show any of the symptoms when near or talking to them. I'm the same as a month ago. Hey guess what? A month ago I was depressed.
I think one of my friends is starting to get concerned for me (Anna) because I'm almost positive she was trying to subtly pull my sleeves down during class (like she was playing with my fluffy sweater and she kept pushing it down and then I would push it back up) and I think she was checking for self harm. I hope they get me help but I also don't because I think being in a mental hospital would be boring. My friend was in one for a few weeks and she wasn't allowed to use her phone at all, so we didn't know where she was or what was happening. (I mean I knew a week in because she told a friend who is closer to her than me and I was worried and asked her and she told me blah blah blah)
Depression Journal
RandomA journal of a 13 year old girl who is depressed, has anxiety problems, is suicidal, and self harms. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK Just remember, hate comments or anything that may suggest that I either don't have it too bad, or basically anything negative...