I think I need help. I need to tell my friends. I almost committed suicide today. That's a reason for help
I'm going to go slow, when I know all of my friends are asleep I'm going to text them about how I have a problem and I really need help (or something like that) tomorrow night I dunno what I will do but I'm going to do it when they are asleep because then they can't respond right away and I have time to think about my answer.
I will update this tomorrow morning I think with their responses. (I'm telling my friends Can, Anna, Yan, and Elena(I think Can thinks she's depressed, Anna is sometimes depressed, and yan and elena are just living life normally))
I haven't been talking to my friends for almost 3 hours
I'm just waiting
In constant pain*
Until 12
When I can start the process
Of telling my friends* by pain I mean the pain of wishing I did commit suicide and the thoughts of doing it now.
I'm sorry, but I have convinced myself against this
I am also very stressed right now because of the thought of doing this
They won't care, or won't believe me, or think I'm a little innocent child who doesn't understand the world.
I'm sorry

Depression Journal
AléatoireA journal of a 13 year old girl who is depressed, has anxiety problems, is suicidal, and self harms. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK Just remember, hate comments or anything that may suggest that I either don't have it too bad, or basically anything negative...