Sorry yeah I'm totally not writing this at 12:35 am on March 13 because I got lazy.
But my day was fine, my friends were being very annoying but didn't know it. At 11:13 I decide to make a survey thing for me and my friends to do. It's completely anonymous, and it has the questions
What's your sexuality?
Mental illnesses?
Which of these have you experienced(like self harm, sleeping problems etc)?
Least favorite part about yourself
Favorite quote out of 5 I chose randomly
What's your hogwarts house?
Favorite teacher?
A flat or g sharp?
Which (hogwarts) house is most likely to have this mental illness blah blah blahYeah it took me an hour to do. The first one was suggested by my friend and that's why I made the survey. She also suggested the 2nd one but I was going to do it anyway so.
Yeah it's technically not Monday anymore but I'm a big procrastinator and I'm lazy whoooo

Depression Journal
De TodoA journal of a 13 year old girl who is depressed, has anxiety problems, is suicidal, and self harms. READ AT YOUR OWN RISK Just remember, hate comments or anything that may suggest that I either don't have it too bad, or basically anything negative...