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«you should stop wasting dad and mum's money on stupid paintings...»

kun said with the kindest tone possible as he started the engine and slowly exited the street.
i stared at him for a bit, before raising the volume of the radio, singing along with one of the endless songs playing.

he may be right, because my passion isn't that affordable, but at least i don't waste my money in useless cooking classes and food.

as usual we were heading to an art show set in the center of lion and my older brother was obviously dragged by the undersigned: me.
the exhibition was about the neoclassicism era and i was really looking forward to it, for i planned this day a very long time ago.

the car suddenly stopped ceasing my thoughts. i looked out of the window and realized that we arrived in front of a giant creamy coloured building sorrounded by colorful posters and a great number of customers making their entrance in the well said place.

i quickly unbelted myself and sprinted to the glass doors as well, exited like a kid when he gets a new toy

«be fast grandpa, i'm going to buy a lit ass work today!»

i said referring to kun, who glared at me with a firing gaze that i shrugged off heading towards the inside of the gallery.

as we stepped in my jaw literally dropped: enormous, but elegant silver like chandeliers hung up the ceiling illuminating the wide white space filled with various installations.
the warm floor was covered by a limpid and extremely clear parquet, that echoed each and every one of our steps as we walked around the room.

all this making me wonder if the real show was about the location or the actual paintings.

i grabbed kun's hand and made my way through the people, searching for something that would get my attention.
a very difficult task since most of the fixtures were covered by others.
this show might be cool, but there are too many people for my liking.

«what are you looking for?»

my brother asked me raising an eyebrow, his face a bit confused and curious.

i was about to answer him, when i suddenly felt someone tapping my shoulder: we both turned towards my back where we met the eyes of one of the staff member, who was motioning us to follow him.
we did as he told and reached a reserved section, a canvas occupying the whole wall.

i slowly walked towards it, observing the painting from head to toe:
a young man sitting on a dark blue velvet couch, his chin resting on his right hand, was representated on the rectangular surface.
his blonde shiny hair were perfectly combed and his features looked ethereal.
he had big green eyes in which i felt like drowning, for they looked so deep and pure.

the character was beyond handsome, although his expression seemed to be very thoughtful and sad for some weird reason.

staring at it with more attention, i guessed that the man was a noble — he was dressed like a prince and he gave a royal vibe.

«i'm in love...»

i whispered without even realizing, shifting my attention to the beautiful fornitures that were present in the fancy room painted.

«in love with the painting or the young man?»

kun asked laughing. he was probably fooling around, but i was really tempted to answer that i was in love with the flawless young male.

but i didn't.

without wasting time i decided to buy the work, trying to avoid other customers who started to gather around the imponent installation.
i signed a check and exited the gallery, followed by a relieved kun — who was surprised by the fact that we came out so early.

«are you satisfied with your new purchase?»

«very satisfied.»


after dinner, i took a glass of milk and went down the dark stairs heading to the collections room where all the works i did or bought were gathered.

grabbing a chair, i placed myself in front of the newest one and studied it:
i seriously couldn't get my eyes off it, it was simply perfect and well made.

i didn't know for how long i stayed in that position, but i'm sure it wasn't a short period of time.
i felt my eyelids heavy and i was a little bit sleepy, i rested my head on my left arm while the other still held the now cold milk.

i then stood up, ready to go to sleep since the following day was going to be a busy one.
glancing the painting for the last time, i noticed that the character blinked his eyes or at least that was what i saw.

i immediately thought that it was the effect of my tiredness and decided to shrugged it off, but definitely turned around when i heard my name being called


i froze at the hearing of his voice, slapping my cheeks in order to be sure i wasn't not dreaming.

but guess i was not.

the young man stood up as well from the couch and bent down a bit, moving his hand as a sign for me to come closer.

i still couldn't believe what was happening as i controlled my drink to see if there was some kind of drug in it.

i then heared a deep chuckle:
he was just there smiling at me and waiting patiently.

his smile was beautiful just as he was.

«no drugs and no.. you're not dreaming, sweetie.»

his voice...

i instantly went closer to him, like i was a piece of iron attracted to a very strong magnet.
i analyzed his figure from head to toe, trying to figure out how such an absurd and unbelievable thing was possible.
the first thing i asked him was his name: lucas, his name was lucas.

we talked a lot, surprisingly and i got to know that he was also very funny.

but this time i really needed to sleep and wanted to go to bed.
he didn't want to: he said he felt lonely and he liked my company; he offered me to stay up a bit longer, but i politely declined.

he then gave up and stretched his arm towards me, his hand trespassing the golden frame of the painting.
he looked into my eyes, his face becoming serious and said

«if i asked you to come into my world... would you accept?»


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