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i lazily opened my eyes, probably woken up by the cool breeze that dominated the green meadow - the sky already dark as the stars shined bright.

i fell asleep.

i sensed something heavy at the height of my legs: it was lucas' head, who had his eyes closed and a steady yet slow breath.
he really looked like a baby in that moment, with his pink coloured cheeks and his lips slightly parted.

since it was already night, i assumed that the others were already in, eating the pastries we bought some hours before.
i could clearly hear their loud voices, coming out of the palace, the windows showing their thin silhouettes.

«your legs are so uncomfortable.»

the blonde boy said with an husky voice while yawning and stretching his arms.
he then looked at me with his eyes not fully opened and changed his position, laying down next to me.

«that's why beds were created, my dear king...»

i replied with a bit of sarcasm, rolling my eyes, as a cute laugh escaped his mouth - instantly refreshing the mood.


i continued saying by whispering

«you suck at lying, seriously.
it's embarrassing.»

he quickly got up and gave me a confused look, not understanding what i really meant.

«oh c'mon, why on earth would you have a specific standard for someone to be your friend?
that's nonsense.»

i boldly told him, crossing my arms as i layed on my side, my gaze firmly fixed on him.

lucas remained silent. weird right?

«you're not looking for a friend, but for a lover.
who were you trying to fool?»

i said as i bursted in a lively laugh, playfully punching his shoulder, his face dead serious in perfect contrast with my own.

he then mumbled something i couldn't understand and started blushing, while facepalming himself, making me laugh even louder.

there was no reason to hide his real intentions with such a stupid excuse,
and with what knowledge he thought that choosing a girl from the future would be a good idea, i did not honestly know.

«it's late, let's go to sleep»

i suggested, but lucas' expression made me think twice about it.
he looked like he didn't want to, instead he sat down on the grass ,still.

«what sleep? we just woke up !
come with me, i have to show you something.»

he then said taking my hand into his as we walked towards the entrance of the palace.

while we made it in, we straightly headed to the last floor of the building, without attracting the others' attention.

the main hallway of the well said location, was strangely dark: no chandeliers, no candles, nothing was bringing light to the place - making it creeper than it actually was.

we went through the whole aisle, till we reached the very end of it, a big black door occupying all the supporting wall.
a black door, finished by golden small details, making it elegant and more showy.

lucas grabbed the doorknob and turned towards me before opening it

«promise me you'll only use this room if necessary.»

i nodded at his request, although i didn't really get what he was talking about or what he was referring to.

anyway we slowly stepped in the room, which was only illuminated by the natural light of the moon, colouring the allowance with different shades of blue.

at first sight the space looked filled with various mirrors, all with different shapes and colours.
they seemed to have a name written in gold at the bottom of their frames, but i couldn't really read from such a far distance.

the blonde male then turned on the light, the glasses magically turning into paintings - a transition that made me gasp as i runned at the center of the room, leaving lucas' hand and staring at the whole thing in awe.

a specific canvas caught my eye: my favorite room was represented in it, kun being there, probably searching for a cooking tool.

«what- what- what is going on right here?»

i asked in complete shock as lucas just stood there, staring at me having a mental breakdown ,his smile always on his handsome face

«this is our collection room, where paintings from various eras and years are gathered all together.»

he said, his arm making a swift movement as he tried to show me what my eyes have already admired - and no, i'm not talking about his beauty.

«as you may have noticed, this is the painting of the year 2018. we actually have two, but while this one is showing your house - because you bought mine,
the other one shows the house of another student, his name is yuta if i'm not wrong...»


is he referring to the yuta i know?

«this is from the X century. see those funny dudes right here ? their names are jeno and jaemin

he kept saying as i trailed behind him, trying to memorize the different canvases.

paintings from the X century, to the imminent future.
from year 1000 to year 3048.

so much beauty placed in one only room: whish it was mine.

i wonder how many travels i would be able to do and how many friendly people like the kings i would meet.

he said to use it if necessary.
why would i if i absolutely love this place?

this was surely another hint, another sign that this so perfect world hided some serious flaws.

but i deecided to trust him, he promised me that i wouldn't regret being brought here.

don't trick me, lucas.

and my thoughts isolated me from the reality, my eyes suddenly landed on a weird, yet familiar canvas:
the last art gallery i saw in real life was fully displayed, the same staff member that showed me this painting and who's name seemed to be haechan - according to his name tag - was just standing there, talking with the artist.

the great artist who created all this.

at the bottom of the rectangular shaped surface, the word creator was written

«he's our creator, the one who painted the painting you bought and all the others.
he's called johnny seo and we're all really grateful for his existence to be honest...»

the tall male standing next to me said with a chuckle, as he nervously scratched the back of his neck , still admiring the figure of the so called johnny.

what a talented man.


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