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«all hail the kings!»

the sight showed brought me numerous chills, an emergency reunion with the presence of all the nation's nobles — all praising the guys, swearing faithfulness to them.

the auditorium being overfilled by people, while the seven kings plus hyorin sat on golden chairs, placed in the height of the immense room.

speaking of my position, i just stood in what we would call a "backstage", spying the whole activity behind a dark red courtain set behind the sovereigns' chairs.

it was my first time attending to one of their meetings and judging by the calm and professional atmosphere, i didn't really understand why lucas would always leave me at the palace.

topic of the day: the infamous citizens.

«as you all know, our residence is under the indirect control of the association..
all our moves are monitored and the agreement signed last three weeks has become strict.»

sicheng started on saying, standing up as he walked to the utterly gold frame that separated him and his mates from the rest of the congregation.

«in those cases the blue bloods have to be united!
the situation is more than dangerous, we can't joke with our lives anymore...»

he concluded, the last sentence pronounced with a sense of fear and anxiety in his voice.

the crowd seemed to agree with all his statements, although i noticed that at the end of the room was a group of people that didn't look like they shared the same ideas.

observing them better they didn't even look nobles at all: like yes, they dressed like them, but something seemed a bit off.

maybe their features? their skin?

i kept questioning myself about those particular characters as they rolled their eyes everytime sicheng and then doyoung would say something regarding their safety and their power

and then something caught my attention, in the second row of the seats occupied by the mysterious people i saw who looked like chenle, dressed up as a little prince.

wait- what?

«but why can't we just let the citizens win for once?»

a young man who sat next to the well said boy asked, his fellows slowly hyping up the matter.

this simple question caused the room to be filled by whispers, the rest of the men turning towards the man, who just smirked at sicheng

i stepped closer to the guys and saw that chenle and his friends where hiding a lot of rifles and bayonets. i gasped and immediately shifted my attention to the blonde male who clearly didn't know how to answer at the sudden tricky question.

contempling my few choices, i decided to point out the illegal presence of weapons, but i was interrupted by a loud shot, which caused silence to fall upon the allowance.

in the blink of an eye the scene was in complete caos as the now reveald citizens started shooting both the air and the nobles, unrepearable damages being instantly made.

if there would be something i will never forget, it would be the contrast between the smiling and satisfied faces of the rebels and the scared and horrified expressions of the blue bloods.

i frooze my movements and stared at the whole situation in pure fear, while flying bullets took away young and innocent lives.

a louder scream was then heard, i turned left and saw that sicheng fell on the ground, his body soon floating on a growing pool of blood. as my eyes grew wider and my heart seemed to stop beating for a moment, i ran towards him, my hands instinctively reaching his back, raising it as his head automatically scouted closer to my chest.

altough my hands were completely stained by his blood, i didn't think twice and shook him, hoping he would open his eyes and sweetly smile at me as he always did, invane.

not minding the fact that we were sorrounded by the roughness of the confusion, i still managed to ask for help.

hyorin quickly ran to me, panic fully displayed on her pretty face.

but eventually didn't fufilled her track, because behind her, chenle fired a shot: a shot that perfectly hit her. the thin body slowly falling as well, making a soft, yet tragic sound.

sicheng was dead.

chenle killed hyorin.

and this was just the beginning of a long list of people loosing their life. for what? because of a stupid power? is there even a valid reason to take someone's life?

i momentarily left sicheng's dead body, only to meet hyorin's one.

hot tears started rolling down my cheeks as my mind went blank.
i pulled both of them closer to me, swinging the upper part of my body — back and forth — while i continuously whispered "you'll be fine in no time."

a statement made to my friends, a way of encouraging them. although i was the first one who knew it wasn't true.

for the first time in my life, i feared death and finally understood the precious value of people's existence.

i then felt a strong grip around my waist: by body being dragged away from the corps as doyoung and mark assisted them.

«lucas, take her away!»

taeyong screamed while him, ten and the others kept shooting the rebels.

it didn't take long and soon we were out of that sanguineous scenario.
the blonde haired male put me to sit on a crappy wooden chair, locking the door right after.

he walked towards me and bent down a bit, our heads now at the same height

«don't worry, everything's gonna be alright.»

he said softly rubbing the palm of my hand.

«everything's gonna be alright? seriously?
our friends just died

he couldn't find a decent answer, instead he breathed heavily and stared at the dark floor.

«listen, i know what's going on, there's no need to hide it anymore.
but can't you just change the history and be all saved?»

i asked, my voice full of desperation.

he shook his head and mumbled a low "i'm sorry" as he ran his slender fingers through his hair.

sniffling sounds escaped his lips.
he sat on the ground, now looking at me: he was about to cry.

«destiny is not a book you can write, cancel, rewrite or change however you like.
fate is not something you can individually choose or build for your personal good.

there's always someone greater, superior, who impartially chooses for everyone.
you can run from your end as much as you want, but you'll never be able to modify or even destroy his tangled threads...»

«tangled threads?»

«yes, that's how i call the way our lives are all connected to each other.

so... we can try and try, but if history decided that we will all die, then we'll diewith honour


I suddenly want to
born both my history
history book and my
angsty imagination ;-;

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