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another room, another stunning beauty.
the guys i recognized as jaehyun and sicheng were in the dressing room, sitting at a milky white table while sipping tea just like real french gentlemen.
when they noticed our presence, a joyful smile appeared on their bright faces, jaehyun standing up first and walking towards us with both arms spread widely

«finally you're here!
come, we have a lot of work to do!»

the well said boy exclaimed while embracing taeyong in a brotherly warm hug.

he then moved his attention to me, staring at my whole figure from head to toe and slowly coming closer.
i gulped, moving a bit backward, till when he was close to me enough to gently place his left hand under my chin, lifting my face up to him.
he quickly analyzed my face, turning it towards right and then left, humming during the process of his actions.

«lucas sure does have a unique taste...»

he whispered.

sicheng cleared his throat, earning our focus on him.

«irene, right?
it's time for you to change your outfit a bit... people may be weirded out if they saw someone dressing like that.»

the blonde male said with a soft chuckle. he motioned me to walk towards a big chocolate brown wardrobe, as both doyoung and taeyong went to the sides of it, ready to open its doors.

the content was then revealed:

pompous dresses over pompous dresses, a myriad of matching heels filling what looked more like a hidden small room rather that wardrobe.
items of every colour, shade and style,
a variety of clothing and foot wearing that a person can't even imagine.

i ran into all the stuff, happily throwing myself in it, lively laughs spreading through the allowance and creating a warm atmosphere.

«do you like them?»

sicheng asked me laughing as well.
i immediately nodded, while my now red face was hidden between the dresses.

«and i thought that girls from your era preferred trousers...»

he slowly said, while helping me to stand up straight.

i thanked him and adjusted myself as i turned towards the others with an happy expression.

«is there a dress you'd like to wear?»

«yes, the lilac one.»


time flew and dinner came in a blink of an eye.

since lucas wasn't suppose to see me yet, the guys agreed on letting me eat in my new bedroom along with ten who kindly offered to keep me company.

the sound of the cutlery coming in contact with the porcelain plates was one of the only sounds heard in that moment, followed by our steady breaths.

when i had the occasion, i would probably steal some glances at the boy, who seemed to not notice — or maybe he did and just liked being looked at, i wasn't sure.

but since i had the lucky chance to be with one of the boys, i should have use it to ask things i was obviously curious about.
so i took a deep breath, placed both the fork and knife on the plate and called the lavander like haired boy, who immediately answered with his gaze now fixed on me.

a nervous laugh escaped my trembling lips as i started speaking

«can i ask you something?»

«yeah, sure. go on»

he quickly reply, slowly nodding.

«i know it's a personal question, but where are your parents? how are you related with each other?»

«oh well... it's okay, you're obviously confused by all this situation, so i'd gladly accept to answer you!»

he exclaimed smiling.
his smile was sincerely beautiful, i bet it could melt anyone's heart, even the coldest.

«...so first of all you have to know that we aren't brothers or relatives. this kingdom was originally divided in eight parts and reigned by eight couples of kings and queens, our parents, who then decided to pass it on to us: the princes of lion.

but unlike theirs, our friendship is stronger and this is why we decided to build a ninth castle where we all now live together and we reign on this kingdom as one unique sovereign.

as for our parents they all still live in their palaces, living their lives as nobles and so on.
hope this is the answer you expected.»

i nodded, amazed by what ten just told me.

suddenly another important question crossed my mind, bothering me a bit

«another question-» i paused for a moment
«why am i considered a surprise? why am i temporarily hiding from lucas

«tomorrow lucas' birthday will be celebrated here at the palace and all the kingdom's nobles will be at the party.

since we noticed that he really likes your company, we decided to bring you here and to surprise him with your presence.
basically you're his gift from us...»

«that sounds so weird!»

i then said laughing while slightly covering my mouth, earning his laughter as well.
it really sounded weird tho: how would a person be someone else's present?
those guys never failed to surprise me anyway.

but although all this seemed strange, i really looked forward to finally meet lucas again.

the last question.

«is he famous among women?»

«oh, he's really famous.
if you don't meet his standards, then you're out


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