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«mr. moon

we're not in class, so just call me taeil

the history teacher softly said while approaching me.

i slowly nodded, trying to process the fact that he was right here in front of me.
i wonder through which painting he came here, since the only ones that bought lucas' were just me and yuta.

«how did you get here?»

is all i managed to spit out as i let my body fall on the nearest chair, my eyes still glued on his thin figure.

«you probably didn't notice me, but i was at the same art show you went with kun and i bought chenle's canvas, under the suggestion of johnny himself...»

he explained grabbing another chair and sitting next to me.

we kept talking about the same thing and i got to know that he purposely came here because the artist noticed that there was an anomaly in the king's painting and that an unscheduled character appeared without his consent.

it was all about me, since johnny didn't actually authorized his drawings to drag real people in their world, it was one of his first rules.

unaware of the fact that i caused so many troubles, i started feeling bad about all my impulsive actions.

i was too busy enjoying my extra life with the guys, without even realizing that i was putting in danger someone else's existence

and i was now here, regretting being dragged here.

taeil noticed my mood dropping and assured me that i could sort things out with him if i wanted to.
behind every problem there was always a solution ready and this was the perfect case.

i hoped it wasn't anything too dangerous or drastic, i couldn't stand another big mess, but the dark haired man didn't seem so serious about what he was about to propose to me.

actually he looked carefree and serein.
if he only lived and saw the same things i got to experience, he wouldn't be so happy to suggest such a thing

«and that is why i would like you to join the rebels and betray the kings


when i was able to go back to the church, the building was completely empty and silent — they all left.

i didn't make it on time, how unfortunate.

i walked down the long aisle, like a bride would do on the day of her marriage.
looking at my sorroundings and admiring the decorated and coloured windows, that made the ceiling a literal work for art.

for some reason my heart felt heavy and my throat dry.
with my mind filled with various thoughts, i really wasn't in the mood for the thanksgiving the kings prepared as a tribute

so i just sat there, in the cathedral, all alone and let all my stress and pain dissolve to nothingness.

and as the strong scent of incense entered my lungs, i recalled all the memorable moments i had the chance to live here.

the wonderful people i met, the values i learned

and my one and only lucas.


what a good timing blondie.

«we were searching for you!
do you know how worried i was?»

lucas asked running towards me and bending down, since i sat on one of the benches.

i mouthed a low "sorry" while my tears wadded the corner of my eyes, making the young man laugh nervously — probably embarrassed by the sudden escalation caused by my overreaction.

«hey babe, what's wrong?»

i'm sorry lucas.

i don't deserve you.

i took his hand and gently kissed it as my tears now kept rolling and rolling.

looking at him, eye to eye, i said things that thinking more about it they were too exaggerated.

but to be honest, when you talk about love there is nothing that could be considered as an exaggeration.

when you talk about love, everything is licit and legit.

you know lucas, in the last few days i realized something beautiful

«i realized that i was born with eyes to admire your beauty...»

i whispered while planting a kiss on his forehead.

i felt the temperature of his body gradually rising, he was probably imbarassed such a cheesy confession — but i didn't care.

«a pair of ears to listen to your deep yet calming voice,
a nose to smell your sweet and attractive scent...»

another kiss, but this time on the crook of his neck.

«a mouth to keep calling your name
and red lips to shower you with delicate kisses

and so i did, i kept kissing him while whispering his graceful name.

lucas didn't even flinched or tried to react, he instead let me be — his breath becoming heavier.


he called out, interrupting all my actions.
i stopped whatever i was doing and stared at him, patiently waiting for him to continue speak.

«i don't think doing it in a church is a good idea.»

he said scratching the back of his neck.

we looked at each other for awhile, only to burst in a loud and lively laugh, our voices echoing in the building.

the blonde male then grabbed my hand as we ran out of the well said placed, grinning like idiots.

i hope i'm making the right choice, for you, for us.

i love you, lucas.



note: y'all better start shaking because the book is soon coming to an end...

first of all, i just want to thank you for 20k reads like: omg, this book was expected to be a flop because it wasn't something i really spent time on thinking about.
it was just an impulsive idea that lucas aka my second bias made me wanna try out
and it turned out great!

second: i was planning two chapters dedicated to Q/A (question and answer), but i'm unsure of if to post them right after this chapter or after this book is finished.

what would you prefer?
do you want the Q/A now or at the end of the book?

stay pretty, stay lit
ilysm 👑💚

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