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i checked out on lucas, who peacefully slept next to me, his face looking like the one of an angel.
while stroking his hair, i made sure he was far from walking up, only to sneak out of the king-sized bed and tip-toeing to the second floor.

i now sat at the meeting room's table, alone, as the pen i tightly held kept writing things i would never have the courage to say face to face.
a letter from me to the guys, where i was trying to explain what happened to me after the funeral and what were my intentions.

although i didn't mention taeil's presence, i knew for sure that the guys would understand my choice and not get angry at me: the last thing i wanted to receive was disappointment, so that's why i tried to communicate my will in the softest way possible.

i caught a glimpse of what the view offered to me from time to time, just to control the horse i guided at the palace's gates.
i had to be cautious, if anyone got up in this middle of the night, my plan would would immediately fail.

after writing the final sentence, i folded the sheet of paper and inserted it in its envelope, fixed it right after.
then i slowly placed it under a pile of books and exited the allowance.

getting on the horse and heading towards the streets, i turned back just for a last glance at what for a certain amount of time i was able to call home.
but the fact that i noticed mark staring at me from his room, made me a bit bitter, yet nervous.
i brought my index finger on my lips and mouthed a "shh"; the boy seemed to have understood, since he just nodded and went back to sleep.

i strongly hoped he would be quiet and not make strange moves.
he was smart after all, i shouldn't have worried that much.

it was now just me and my companion, in a long journey made in the deepness of the night, all in the name of love.


«c'mon teach me how to properly use those weapons..!»

i pleaded at taeil as i placed an uncharged rifle on the desk.

the well said man flinched, immediately shaking his head while taking the gun from my hands.
he held it tight like a child would hold his teddy bear in the middle of a storm, his face softening a bit.

«you don't have to do this-»

«teach me how to use... the weapons.»

i repeated with a low voice, trying to intimidate the latter who only sighed in surrender.

he should be grateful for the opportunity he had by having me by his side, so at least he could be kind with me and satisfy my few requests.

he then started walking towards the garden of the old house as i silenty trailed off behind him and when we reached the green space i was absolutely happy to see what i saw.

there were a few people exercising themselves: some were shooting arrows at handmade mannequins, others were using their guns on the birds — killing them one by one.

i never thought that such a sight would excite me so much as i stole the rifle from taeil's hands and ran to the rest of the people, while waving my gun.

«hey, isn't that the nobles' friend?»

«yes, she is!»

and soon after, i found myself to be sorrounded by all of them.
their piercing gazes made me feel intimidated, but not as much as the ammunitions pointed at me.

«don't open the fire, she's with us now.»

taeil proudly affirmed, his arm around my shoulder while he pushed me a bit forward as to introduce me to my new fellows.

they were kind of many, i guess i would have an hard time remembering all their names.

the exercise was being quickly resumed, everyone went back to their place and acted as if nothing happened.

i decided to join them too, but was suddenly stopped by the black haired male who grabbed my arm and drew me to him

«if my calculations are right... the war will be declared in two days, so make sure you're ready: errors are not accepted in history.»

he whispered in my ear, the simple thought of the near event making me shiver.

«so soon?!»

i asked with a surprised tone

«yes! so, don't be scared if your lover might die in your arms.»



note: issa filler chapter, that's why is shorter!

i know some of you might hate irene so much right now, but she had her own reasons :')

are you ready for the great french revolution?

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