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the loud sound of the bell ringing filled the whole college. students flooding the different aisles, creating a big but bearable mess and slowing my journey to the next class: chromatology.

with a bit of pushing and a bit of dodging, i finally arrived at the light blue coloured room in which most of the seats were occupied.
i held my bag tighter and climbed the steps that lead to the seats placed at the ending part of the classroom, my eyes fixed on the floor, preventing myself from tripping and so on.

as i sat down, the teacher came in along with yuta nakamoto, obviously — who was the best student in our course — and went to sit down at his desk, the younger standing next to it, smiling with that precious smile of his.

as always, mr. moon praised his skills in this particular subject, blabbering about how he was amazingly gifted and how we — the class — should have looked up to him, taking him as an example.

can't that man just shut up for once?
we already know he's the best, oh my God.

after the usual and boring routine, we all prepared to move to one of the laboratories of the campus, the largest one to be specific, for our class involved about thirty students.

as we walked through the arcade covered by infinite heathers that connected the main building to the other two, i felt someone wrapping their arm around my shoulders, surprising me a bit

«oh look look who we have here, irene

i slowly turned towards the source of the voice, only to meet yuta's eyes.
he waved at me happily, smiling as well.

if there was a thing that our mates weren't able to see often, it would be surely an interaction between the two of us: the best student and the second best student, as known as me.

although i never felt the competition, this guy right here never failed to point out our position on the school's ranking and the fact that the professors always put us against one another.

what a wrong thing to do, to be honest.
but it's not like i cared that much,
passion is what really mattered to me.

we crossed the thresholds of the workshop, everyone sitting at their assigned seats and wearing their white garments.

«wanna seat next to me?»

yuta asked me winking.
i accepted his offer and trailed behind him, walking towards the first desk placed at the right part of the large beige room.

after we both sat down, mr. moon started explaining today's activity:
each couple was going to create a new set of colours' shades, following the instructions and the formulas we studied for the past exams.

i really felt like working for pantone in that moment.
i chuckled at my silly thoughts as i started off by wearing my gloves and my plastic protective glasses, my eyes following yuta's movements.

«on which colour do you want to work today?»

he asked while grabbing some beakers and placing them on the gray surface


i answered excitedly, helping him with the tools we were going to use.
he nodded smiling, probably agreeing with my choice.

about two hours were given to us to complete at least the first part of many of this assignment, due to the complexity of the task.

the time was almost up and i could already hear the other students chatting with each other and looking forward the ringing of the last bell for today's.

«irene, come here please...»

the dark brown haired boy said almost whispering;
i did as he said, wondering what he was up to, since he was kinda hiding from the vision of the teacher.

i went and stood next to him, only to notice he was holding a strange liquid and the beaker on the table was filled with an emerald green like water.
i stared at it in awe, asking myself if this was what yuta was trying to create in those two hours.


is all i managed to say while staring at the color in awe,
a color that reminded me of something, of someone.

lucas' pretty eyes.
two big emerald green eyes.

the last bell suddenly rang, a sign that we were all dismissed, free to go home.
i came back to reality, my thoughts spreading in my mind as i slowly forgot about them.

«see you tomorrow, fam!»

yuta said, patting my shoulder as he packed up his things and exited the laboratory, leaving me there — dumbfounded.

after few minutes i decided to grab my things too, heading home after closing the door behind me.


«i'm home!»

i shouted while making my entrance in the hall of my house.

i dropped my school bag on the floor and ran to the kitchen, where both my mum and kun were baking some cookies.

i hummed at the delicious smell coming out of the oven, dancing and around the allowance — i always did that in the presence of food.

who doesn't?

«and i thought my cooking classes were useless, smh.»

my brother said, snapping at me and earning a soft chuckle from my mum, who caressed his cheek — trying to calm him down.

i sticked out my tongue at him, just like a child and quickly exited the kitchen;
heading to the floor beneath this one,
without forgetting to take a canvas out of my bag.

i opened the doors of my favorite room, jumping on the steps as i reached the center of it.
i placed my new drawing on a semi empty wall, right next to the door and unconsciously turned towards my biggest purchase:

surprisingly the canvas changed it's content, again.
a deep black reigning on the rectangular shaped surface, instead of the blue velvet room or the green grass with the white beautiful horses.

being the curious girl i was, i walked towards the painting and stood in front of it.
nothing and no one seemed to show up, making me feel a bit anxious.

i bent over, my head trespassing the golden frame.
without even realizing what was going on, a strong hand grabbed my arm — drawing me in the painting, the other one covering my mouth, preventing me to shout.

i immediately tried to escape the grip, but it was simply impossible as the last familiar thing i saw was my bright room

the very last thing was complete darkness..


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