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«if i asked you to come into my world...
would you accept?»


i simply stated.
a cold answer escaping my lips, in a natural and sudden way, surprising both me and lucas — who seemed to slightly frown at a response he wasn't surely expecting.
i didn't know why i declined such an exciting offer, but something told me that i did well, very well.

i obviously wasn't in some fantasy fiction and by tomorrow, with a good sleep, this handsome guy would be back on his velvet blue sofa with the original sad and thoughtful expression.
there was no way this could be real, i was grown enough to be able to separate imagination from reality;
although i guess it was just tiredness, in my case.

«i'm going to sleep, adios amigo!»

i said while yawning. i turned my back to him and slowly climbed the steps, ignoring the fact that he kept calling me, imploring me to stay, invane.

i closed the door behind me and walked straight towards my bedroom, at the end of one of the two alleys of the second floor.
after turning off the lights, i hid myself under the warm blankets drifting off to sleep;
my last thought dedicated to the blonde young man.

he can't be real.


«what the hell?!»

just one sentence shouted by kun, was enough to instantly wake me up.
i rose up, lazily heading towards where i heard the loud screams, wondering what might have happened at such a time, early in the morning.

our parents were probably at the company, since the upper part of the house looked too silent for my liking.
i made my entrance in the collections room and found my brother at the center of it, standing there alone.

at his feet, i saw pieces of plates scattered on the floor — probably the result of something scaring the shit out of him.

i slowly walked to him, a bit esitant to be very honest


i called him with a low voice

«kun, what's wrong?»

no answer.
instead he started pointing at what i assumed was the painting we bought the day before; i went next to him and looked at what his index finger was aiming.

no way.

the painting showed a whole different representation: the beautiful room disappearing from it.
a park was displayed, in which lucas and other 3 guys were playing a weird game while riding horses.

they were laughing and chatting thogheter, completely ignoring our presence.

«why on earth are they living inside the canvas?»

kun asked, his voice trembling a bit while moving behind me.
i rolled my eyes and recalled yesterday's memories, the image of me and lucas talking at each other.

he's real, then.
they're real too.

i thought as my eyes scanned the figures of the other guys.
who they were, i did not know but i was sure about a thing: they were handsome as well and they were surely nobles, just like lucas who noticed us and immediately stopped riding his white horse.

he then runned towards the ending of the surface and placed both of his hands on the golden frame, smiling widely to us

«hey guys ! what brings you here?»

he asked, an innocent expression on his beautiful face

«this is our house, bro...»

«what the fuck is going on here?
irene, why is he talking??»

kun kept whining and pulling the sleeve of my pajama, he really looked like a kid in that moment, making me chuckle.

i tried to calm him down, still figuring out the whole situation.
i walked away from my brother and scouted closer to the blonde boy, feeling a little bit unsure of my actions, at each step i made.

i stretched out my arm, my right hand coming in contact with the male's soft cheek as i caressed it gently — probably afraid that he might dissolve to nothingness.

i felt his skin brushing against my palm,
he was real: made of flesh and blood.
a human who breathed just like me,
a person who lived just like me, but in a different era.

just the thought of it, sent chills through my spine.

lucas then grabbed my hand and slowly whispered

«i know i'm hot, but could you please stop touching my face?
it's weird...»

a bright red colouring my flushed cheeks as i heard some laughs behind him.
his friends were enjoying the scene, now sitting on the green fresh grass, all eyes on us.
kun was still amazed by what he was experiencing, his eyes wide open and his lips slightly parted.

the taller then turned around and met his friends' piercing gazes, he motioned them to come to where he was and they nodded.
they all quickly stood up, walking towards him — eyes cautiously scanning my figure.

they introduced their selves to us:
jungwoo, mark and ten.

while they were doing so, an only thought kept roaming around my mind:

things from now on were surely going to be very interesting.


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