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i always thought hyorin was some kind of maid, but guess i was totally wrong.

«no, i'm just jungwoo's future wife.»

she said narrowing her eyes down, while i brushed her short hair, standing in front of her room's mirror.

i immediately stopped all my actions and stared at female, shocked, as i quickly sat next to her, putting the brush on the wooden table.

judging by the way she talked about the whole matter, hyorin didn't look as excited as a normal bride would be:
she bit her lower lip, nervously fiddling with her fingers and not making eye contact with me.

the dark haired girl then explained that it was a forced marriage suggested by her parents, since they were in good terms with the ones of jungwoo.
but, it looked like hyorin wasn't in love with the well said boy, although they seemed to get along very very well.

«it's not that he's not a good person,
he's actually the cutest!

but the one i really want to spend the rest of my life with, is taeyong...»

she said smiling sweetly, her eyes suddenly lighting up at the mention of taeyong's name, his image clearly appearing in my mind.

i then thought about it for a moment and gave voice to my mind: the guys all represented one and only unstoppable king, with equal rights and powers.
so if the main concern of hyorin's parents was marrying their first child to a royal, the red haired male wasn't exempted from being a potential groom.

the female followed my idea, nodding as a sign that she understood what i was trying to say.

hopeful that i would be able to give a little bit of happiness to the girl, she suddenly stopped my speech

«you said a smart thing, but unfortunately our parents' friendship and mind isn't as good and open as ours.»

hyorin affirmed, while playing with the tool i was holding awhile ago.

yes, i remember ten telling me something similar to this.

i felt a bit sad for her, but it seemed like nothing could save her from what it has been choosen.
her destiny was already scripted, without her consent. an authoritative action taken despite her true opinions, emotions.

and this is why we should learn to listen to others sometimes, to their feelings, to their opinions...

«anyway let's talk about you..
how're you doing with lucas

hyorin asked me, her mood changing in a blink of an eye and making herself more comfortable on the chair.

i tilted my head and rose an eyebrow


i answered a bit unsure, but guess this wasn't the kind of answer she wanted as her mischievous smile turned in a disappointed one.

«oh c'mon, what's up with that face?
he's the one looking for a lover, not me.»

i said crossing my arms on my chest, a puff of air leaving my lips.

instead of being taken aback by my sudden outburst, the female who sat now in front of me bursted in a lively laugh.

she started clapping her hands and then cleaning a fake tear at the corner of her eyes.

«wait for some time and you'll be the one chasing him!»


after helping the maids with the washing of the plates, i decided to head to my room to get some sleep and while i was walking through the hallways of the second floor, a door caught my attention — momentarily stopping me from reaching my destination.

it wasn't totally closed, reason why i could easily hear the voices of the guys, discussing about only God knows what.

i tip-toed to the entrance and placed my left ear on the wooden surface, making sure that no one would notice my presence.

«we have to leave the palace.»

those were the first few words i heard, probably said by doyoung

«yes, i think that's a better solution.»

«same here, but where can we go?»

«we can go to my parents' palace!
the citizens won't surely think about finding us there.»

what sounded like sicheng, suggested.


they probably agreed with him, by nodding.

being obviously confused, i decided to overhear the conversation a bit more,
my eyebrows furrowing while i tried to concentrate on what the boys were about to say.

nothing that could get my interest, unfortunately.
i slightly frowned as i walked backwards and dragged my feet to my allowance, sighing in the process.

i then felt a hand on my shoulder, making me jump in fear. my head turning around in a matter of seconds, only to meet ten's smiling face.

a smiling face that immediately became serious.

«what are you doing here?
overhearing people's conversations is quite rude.»

he firmly said with a serious tone.


«but nothing. you should go to sleep,
it's late.»

«can you at least explain to me why are we moving?»

i asked him, without even realizing that my voice got higher, causing the talks in the room to instantly cease.

and it was in that moment, i knew i fucked up.

ten facepalmed himself, his gaze landing on the now open door: the rest of the guys came out, curious about what was going on out here.

they all exchanged weird glances at each other for a few minutes, silence falling upon us.

«were you listening to our discussion?»

mark wondered

«no, i didn't.»

i lied as i clearly heard ten scoffing behind me, but i ignored it.

i repeated my answer and while i did, they all seemed to secretly sigh in relief.

what a bunch of innocent kings.


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