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Jennifer Pov

 "Well guess who showed up to her sisters wedding dress fitting late again

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"Well guess who showed up to her sisters wedding dress fitting late again...sister of the year Jennifer Garcia-Colace." Nikki said applauding sarcastically staring at her older sister through the mirror.

"I told you that I was going to run late, I had a long session at the studio working on my album." I said walking up to the rack of designer gowns handing Nikki the next one.

"You're in a study for a failed career in singing. This is my day and you know this is an important event for me the least you can do is put your career on the side and I don't know help your sister plan her wedding." Nikki said.

"Nikki you planned this wedding out since you and John first started sneaking around I'm pretty sure you do not need help from me. Plus you have Brie she's your build in guide." I said looking at her sister struggle to get out of the dress.

"Brie said she doesn't want to work with me anymore she said that I should be on that tv show Bridezillas due to my diva tendencies, which I am shocked and appalled because nothing about me screams diva."

'Really? Nikki is the text book definition on what a diva is' I thought.

" Plus my thinks that having you more involved and out of that death trap you call the studio then you could be the next one to be going to the chapel and getting married." Nikki said turning around showing me a dress.

"Next! It's too puffy you are all about elegance she needs more Audrey Hepburn meets Marylin Monroe with a dash of Liz Taylor." I said turning my head to the lady who worked there watching her nod with approval and run to the back.

How shocking that my mother and my sisters would do this. Force me to come out of the studio to become like them lovesick females dreaming about happy endings and romantic getaways. That shit doesn't exist in the real world mother can attest to that now that she's on her second marriage.

"Why can't you guys accept that I'm happy alone. You ever heard the term single and satisfied." I said walking up to her noticing that she was struggling to unzip the gown and assisting her with that.

"That's just a term that lonely created to make them feel good about their lonely depressing life." She said.


"You are just saying that because you just got a ring, you know after you beat the man down for 5 damn years and after all that you guys can't even pick a date or place for the wedding."

"Well you know with our schedules and our busy careers."

"Oh but Nikki this is an important event in your life shouldn't you have everything planned out. At least that's what you told me?"

"That's different. I have a career that's guaranteed, your career it's not Jenny you are pushing 40 you should be married with kids right now not jumping from guy to guy. Look I know you and Mark didn't work out  but don't push out every man just because of one." She said turning around and accepting the dress that the lady handed her.

While I was waiting for my sister to try on her 16 or 17th dress I decided to look for potential bridesmaids dresses. I know that I'm pushing up to the age where shit starts to sit in that I haven't done anything with my life but I tried the marriage thing, marriage isn't for everyone I love Mark and I'll always have love for Mark but once we tied the knot it seemed like our relationship started to going down the hill and I realized that I am better off single.

"Would you like to try that on?" the lady said coming up to me.

"Oh no, thanks though!"

I said turning around smiling at her.

Just being in here just makes me sick to my stomach because it just gives girls false hope and expectations that marriages actually workout. Marriages are just a waste of time and a waste of money. What's the point of a marriage when he's just going to leave you heartbroken and for the nanny. All you are stuck is looking at that pointless white dress that represents your naiveness and ignorance to not pay attention to the red flags. Such a magical day, the most magical day for me was signing the divorce papers.

"Um no crying at my wedding dress fitting! The only one that should be crying is me when I try on the dress of a lifetime." Nikki said walking up to me with her everyday clothes on.

"You are done? I didn't see the dress you picked?"

"Yeah that's because this store is basic it doesn't have what I need. This is the wedding of a century everyone is going to be there and billions are going to be watching like so my dress has to be one that everyone envy."

"Your wedding is in 7 days and you have yet to pick a steady day and you don't even know what dress you are going to be wearing Nicole." I said giving up and walking out of the shop to my car.

Following me she raced me to my door blocking me from getting in my car.

"Stop being a total bitch Jennifer because you'll die along with your million cats. We are not done yet we have to go to the venue to see if everything is great with the hall and plus we have to fly out to New York. I want to ask Ana Wintour  to design my wedding dress. So you are stuck with me for the next two days and hopefully this can you get in the marriage mood." She said taking my car keys out of my hand and walking to her car.

'Isn't this Cena job to go everywhere to plan this wedding?

"Sure... I guess it's not like I have things to do in the next 48 hours." I said following her.

"You don't have anything to do, it's not like you have a man waiting for you. So cancel your dick appointments and come help your sister plan her wedding."

Where's Brie when you need her?

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