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I feel like this is all my fault that she's gone. I should have gotten here sooner maybe I could have saved her or told her to stay on the phone with me when she said she felt unsafe. You know how people ask you if there is one thing in your life you regret doing, well mine is stopping to get gas. I had a half of tank and if I could have just continued to drive to her house I could have saved her. I'm a failure of a man what type of man leaves his girlfriend defenseless and alone at a time when she feels the most vulnerable.

"Dwayne don't beat yourself up, well fine her." Nikki said walking into the living room.

We were all staying at her mother house because we thought it was better to stay together than apart in a difficult situation like this. Ironic, because this was Jennifer whole dream of the family getting together and communication. I just wish she was here to experience this first hand.

"Nicole we aren't cool and we aren't close so tell me why the fuck are you talking to me ?" I said turning to the girl that caused all of this pain and suffering in Jennifer's life.

"That was the past I think we should leave the past in the past. Let's stop bringing up old wounds." Nicole said crossing her arms.

"I think we should talk about the past right now so we can learn from our mistakes. Nicole it's not old wounds when this scandal took place last week. Wounds don't even heal that fast it would have just turned into a scab. You have some nerve talking about I know you are hurting when you caused this. Jennifer told me you threatened her before she went disappearing who's to say you didn't hire a couple of men to take her because we all know you don't do shit for yourself."

"Dwayne you should quit acting and become a comedian. Because that joke was pure comedic gold."

"Woman like you make me sick want the fame and fortune so bad that you would betray your love ones."

"Oh don't go there Dwayne after all you were the one who betrayed Jennifer first and you were the one who started this whole JHOE train. I'm just taking something out of your old playbook you should be proud." She came to my ear and whispered softly before patting my shoulder.

"Knock it off Nicole, why are you here, let me guess you got a new interview coming up or something?" JJ finally made his presence known as he was just sitting on the couch watching the scene unfold before his eyes.

"Actually I do! Get this CNN called and Anderson Cooper wants to do a special on me and he wants to interview me. Isn't that great plus I was just offered a book deal to tell my side of the story." Nikki said jumping fiercely  up and down.

"For what?" JJ laughed. " Its not like you were raped or kidnapped. You are blowing this whole affair thing out of proportion. Are we actually going to sit here and act like Jon is a good guy? He's known to cheat this is what he does for a living, he's a professional cheater. Nicole when you met John he was married. I don't believe Scandal is the right word, it's called Karma. Sooner or later you was just going to become another notch in John's belt. The funny thing about it is that you are Liz now about to be divorced with Cena kid that he won't claim. That's what make your story funny because it's not a scandal but it's something that you call pure comedic gold." He said cracking up turning all red in the face.

"Says the guy that can't even satisfy his wife, JJ why don't you get a job before you talk to me." Nicole said.

"Nikki I can say the same thing for you because it seems like you are just becoming John's little bitch. When are you going back to wrestling, you know your actual job because you have no reason why you can't return to wrestling. You've been cleared for months and your wedding is now over. So what's your excuse."

"If you simply must know I don't have to go back to work ever. I created a revolution and now I get to sit back and watch it all play out. Stephanie, my good friend said that I can get a raise and a cut in the dates that I would have to work for coming up with the Woman Revolution." Nikki said crossing her legs.

"Enough Nikki, your voice is so annoying I just need you to shut the fuck up we are here to talk about trying to find Jenni but once again you found away to turn this into the Nikki show. So how about this, if you don't have anything to say about finding Jennifer then don't say anything at all." Brie said getting up from the couch and heading to the other side of the room.

"Thank you Brie, now who was the last person to get in contact with her?" I said going through her phone and seeing her call record.

"Dwayne!" Nikki yelled scaring the shit out of me. "I know I'm not a detective but I must say as her boyfriend where were you when she got abducted. Weren't you on the phone with her because when I was trying to call her she told me that she had to hang up because you were on the phone with her. So, I find it funny that you were on the phone with her during her final moments before the abduction and you mean to tell me you were nowhere in sight? I find that hard to believe. So where are you hiding her? Are you doing it for the money because we all know you are willing to hurt her for the fame. So I wouldn't put it past you to do it again." Nikki said.

"Really Nicole? I'm not you and I know you had something to do with this. You are Jennifer's top hater so you think I'm buying this caring sister act that you are putting on. Not hardly. If you must know I went to the gas station on Berks street because something was going on with my car that my engine wasn't working so I pulled over and called a couple of my buddies to look at it. Come to find out that someone slashed my tires so I had to wait for new tires and when I finally got to Jennifer's house, she was gone and now I'm here. Nicole where the fuck was you?"

"Taking import business calls loving my life like Princess Diana and Michelle Obama's being the role model that people like you and from your community need. That's what I was doing you'll be grateful when a boat load of money comes in that shithole place you call Home."

"Are you talking about Florida? Because if it's such a shithole filled with shithole pieces then why are you living here. Why is your company building here? You know the only person that's filled with shit in Florida is you." I said going outside to catch my breathe. "Where are you Jennifer?"

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