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Jennifer Pov

Right after I hung up the phone on Nicole, I decided to forward the recording of her confessing this story to my good friend Anderson Cooper. For those don't know who he is he's an investigative journalist and political anchor or CNN. I know my sister and I know that if she makes a threat she means it so I need to make sure that I have a witness to what may or may not happen.

I decided to call Dwayne over because I miss him and I'm kinda upset that Nikki found away to ruin my date with him. Who's to say that we couldn't go back to my place and you know share a little moment of intimacy but she wants to call me about an interview that I didn't see but I can already give you the run down, she lied.  She lies for a living her name is Stephanie and she goes by Nicole she don't even know who she is.

Phone Call

Dwayne: Hey Jennyboo, what's up?

Me: Can you come over tonight?

Dwayne: Yeah, what's wrong?

Me: Well I miss you and

Dwayne: Everyone misses me and what?

Me: Nikki made it pretty clear that I won't be making it to my interview with Vanity Fair tomorrow and I'm nervous and scared that something might happen to me.

Dwayne: Trust me nothing is going to happen to you I put it on my life. I'll be over there in 15 minutes, 5 if I run all the red lights. Just make sure all the doors are locked and windows.

Me: Ok hold on

I said I held the phone up by tilting my head and using my shoulder to hold the phone in place as I walked over to the alarm system and activating it. Once I heared the signal that everything was now secured I went in my refrigerator to get some water and snacks. Then I went over to my safe that was hidden behind my Jesus painting, and grabbing my glock. Just in case anything were to happen and Dwayne couldn't make it on time like he promise.

Dwayne: You really left me on the phone while you got something to eat.

Me: What? When I get nervous I have to eat that's how I cope.

Dwayne: Well save me some food when I get there.

Me: Funny and ok I will that's if I like you.

Dwayne: I'm your boyfriend you have to love me because I love you.....ugh I got to go see you.

End Call

What the fuck was that? Wait did he just say that he love me. Even though, I don't think I'm ready to say officially that I love someone because I've been hurt too many times so I told myself that I will only say I truly love someone if I know they're staying with me to the end and even then I still don't know if I can fully commit. Dwayne is a nice guy but he's also the same guy who used me for the fame, who's to say that he won't do that again. I really don't need this now that this scandal thing is happening, maybe I should hold on to calling him my boyfriend now that I think about it and focus on my music. A place where I can be myself and don't have to worry about the stress of a relationship .



Front Door Open

Front Door Open

"What? I just turned on my alarm why is it not activated." I said putting the gun on the kitchen counter and going down the hall to the alarm. I again put the alarm on locked but not before going to the front door and closing and locking my door. "Huh? I could have sworn I closed my door I must be trippin I should probably take my pills because I'm starting to forget basic things."

Walking up the steps into my bedroom I went to my bedside dresser and to get one of my antidepressants taking two of them because I need something to help me cope with the drama and the scandal.

Front Door Open

Front Door Open

Back Door

"It's ok Jennifer, you are hearing things some sleep should do you good." I said going on top of my bed and underneath my cover.

Sometimes, I wish I can redo my life and fix my broken relationship with my mother and sister but I think it's safe to say that it'll never be the same. Closing my eyes I started to envision the memory of my mother, sisters, and I going shopping and it just being the best day of my life. The way Nikki looked at me and loved me that day I'll never forget. That was the last memory I had before I went into my slumber.

Unknown POV

"Yo this bitch is dumber than a Kardashian, she didn't hear the alarm going off several times? A normal person would have came down here and ran right into my trap but she's so dumb that she just let it keep going. Oh and thanks a lot asshole, now we have to hurry before he cops come because you kept tripping the alarm." I said looking at my idiot of a brother Matt as he was the one who couldn't just go through the door once he quote on quote enjoyed the voice of the lady. This boy is broken and lost.

"Hey Mom said that you have to stop bossing mr around you are not the boss of me." My brother said stealing anything he can hold that was in his view. "Hey look a loaded gun maybe someone finished the job before we could have."

"You idiot if it's a loaded gun how can someone possibly finish the job. Wouldn't a loaded gun mean no one fired from it. Matt use your brain or what's left of your brain." I said finding myself up the steps with him following suit
stomping. If she didn't hear the alarm I forsure know she heard Matt goddamn boots.

We went through ever door upstairs in hopes that one of these door would lead us to where she was at. At least I hope we can't afford to be killing innocent people the job as to simply kindnap her and hold her for ransom. Just our luck she was in the last door on the left sleeping with one of those pregnant ladies pillows. Oh so this broad is carrying a baby that's double the money I didn't sign up for this .


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"That's...that's.....her she's so beautiful can I tough her." Matt said approaching her.

"Yeah by picking her up and putting this chloroform over her mouth and nose while I go make it seem like she's using the drugs again." I said going in my back pocket pulling out a syringe needle and couple of crushed pills laying them carefully on her dresser making it seem like she was just shooting it up before and left to get some more.

I heard her struggle to break free from my brother. Kicking the shit out of him making him fall back in pain screaming. I guess I have to show him how it's done once again. Dragging her but her ankles flipping her around on the bed before Matt handed me the rang and that was all she wrote.

"Call John tell him the job here is done. Let's get out of here before her sister gets home let's go."

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