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"Are you sure this is the right building?" Seth said looking at the building suspiciously

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"Are you sure this is the right building?" Seth said looking at the building suspiciously. "I mean the building looks vacant."

"Of course you idiot, you wouldn't want to kidnap a superstar and bring her into a building that brings attention to her. You know as the days go on and on I'm starting to believe  that you aren't the architect and that I am." Dean said walking up to the entrance of the place.

"Shut up Dean, you aren't smarter than me says the guy who forgot how to tie his shoe. Dean you can't even live without someone watching you, how are you going to be the leader." Seth said.

"You can't even keep your dick in your pants how are you going to lead something."

"Says the father of Birdie, aren't you and Brie in marriages, oh yeah you are."

"That has nothing to do with leading."

"Bro, you are the one who bought it up, I guess you can't take the heat."

"Oh I can take the heat that's why I live in Vegas, you can't take the heat because it will damage your hair." Dean said.

"Can you two shut the hell up, all that bickering and arguing is going to get us the hell caught!" Roman yelled.

"Wow Roman do you really want to get us caught." Dean said.

"I know right Dean, gosh he's yelling he's going to get us caught." Seth said following Dean entering the build.

"I hate them so much." Roman said.

Entering the abandoned building you can see that it was vacant for the last couple of years. There was a trail of blood leading all the way to the end of the hall. Yoincould hear Dwight moans and mumbled as you step closer and closer down the hall.

"What is this place?" Dean asked as he saw a bunch of medical supplies and gurneys.

"I don't know but I know for sure that Jennifer has to be hurt, this is flesh blood." Paige said.

"How would you know that? Seth asked turning around watching Paige squat down and swipe her finger in the blood and smelling it.

"My grandfather is a retired cop he taught me a few things this blood is fresh so there had to be a struggle. All I know is that I wish you guys would stop looking at me like I'm weird, I love shit like this my favorite show is first 48"

Dwayne Pov

I honestly had enough of them and their arguing, it's obvious that the smarter men in this group are the Samoans. If I didn't need the backup I would have done this shot myself afterall I do my own stunts in my movie so what's a little fighting.

Once we got to the end of the hall we noticed that there was several rusty steps leading to nowhere. I tipped toed quietly down the stares turning around when the stairs squeaked because Dean leg went through the steps.

 I tipped toed quietly down the stares turning around when the stairs squeaked because Dean leg went through the steps

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"Fuck my bad bro." Dean said pulling his foot out of the steps.

I nodded and made my way towards the end of the stepped where I saw a locked door with chains on it. When we were going over the blueprint of the building it didn't say anything about a chain door so that means that Jennifer is behind that door.

Turning around to Seth, " Well Architect this is where we need you best at, how are we going to get through that door. Nothing in the plan said a cage door." I said looking st him desperately.

"You know every plan has a crack you guys didn't expect it to be perfect did you." Seth said.

"Yeah we actually did, I thought I was going to come in you know best a couple of bad guys, get my reward and hello Paris." AJ said smirking at Seth.

I wish these two would just date because the flirting and the indirect messages is getting ridiculous.

"Alright and no April. So there is another way to get inside the door. You guys wasn't paying attention as usual so what we do is go through the vents." He said looking up and pointing up.

"I don't know if you didn't notice but my big ass is not climbing through no vent and so isn't my cousin." I said looking like he's crazy. I'm a big ass Samoan that's a small as vent c'mon on Seth I'm revoking your architect card.

"By the looks of the vents it's not that weak and can hold you two up. Look I'm not going to sit here all day, do you want to find your girlfriend alive or dead because you got us waiting and time is precious."

"You know what you are the architect do I'll follow your lead." I said.

"Hey guys I'm going to head back up the steps to check the surroundings and be y'all eyes and ears in case someone come like the feds or some shit." Dean said.

"What are you afraid of heights, Lunatic?" Paige said looking at him weird.

"Something like that." He said turning around and heading to the steps looking back one more time.

That was weird but jays Dean what do you expect from a guy that likes to see a skull crush. I holstered the girls up first because the would be the easiest and then Seth went." He turned around looking and pulling his hands out for me or Roman to grab them but we shook our heads no. We aren't going through no damn vents there has to be another way though that door. Even though we know how these stories end up in the movies it's time for us to split up.

"Let's go up the steps and see if there are other rooms that lead down the steps." I told Roman who agreed.

"You guys go through the vents we will see you on the other side. If you guys get to her before me text me and be safe." Roman said.

"Same!" Seth said going through the vents while we went back up the text.

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??: You shouldn't have done that, you shouldn't have split up. Bad move Dwayne. Someone close to you is telling a lie and isn't the good guy that you know them as. P.S watch your back.

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