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Jenny Pov

Ofcourse just my luck as soon as I leave to go see Dwayne another gossip article had to break out on this alleged affair that doesn't exist and now to make matters worse they added him into it.

"Jenny baby why the long face?" Dwayne said walking over to me greeting me with a hug.

"Didn't you see the articles the headlines about this alleged affair?" I said raising my eyebrow similar to his trademark brow.

"I did but you just have to cancel out the noise, these tabloids don't know the truth they just speak on nonsense to get the audience attention. You need to worry about your health instead of worrying about what others talking about because it's going to do nothing but make you age." He said poking my nose.

"Are you calling me old?"

"Hey you said it I didn't say anything I just said stress is making you age."

"Blah Blah Blah Dwayne I'm on to you you better watch your back."

"Oh I'm so scared the only thing you can beat me at is dancing but we all know I got the hips that make the ladies faint." He said doing a quick cha-cha dance while showing off those dashing pearls.

"Did I tell you that John is going on these interviews telling the people that we legit had an affair. They don't know the half of it the only time that I cheated was with you but that's in the past and I deserved the media scrutiny for that but this c'mon with John? Eww no. All those time when we are photographed together was when he forced and threatened me. I just feel like the media is so quick to jump against the woman and not here there side of the story. Cena is the one that's harassing me calling my phone, texting me late at night, forcing himself on me yet I'm the villain and everyone wants me to die. Do you know how many threats I got from her BellaArmy and CNation on how I should just die and kill my self. How I'm not a loyal sister and how I should get cancer and get hit by a car." I said sitting on the bench bending over to tighten my sneakers trying to avoid any possible eye contact with him.

"Oh what you are witnessing is the downside of the WWE fanbase they take things to literal and Stan the wrestlers so bad that they will hurt you any chance they get. This is not to say that all of their fans do but the majority of them do and that's just the disconnect between fan and a psycho. I promise you as long as I'm around I'm not going to let anything happen to you especially the fruity pebble Cena guy. I would say go to WWE headquarters and report this but Cena is their golden child they'll be down with him through thick and thin like a sad depressing marriage. I'll confront him myself if I have to."

"No I don't need you confronting him creating a bigger mess."

"News flash Jenny baby I'm already in this mess but he's not going to walk around and say whatever the fuck he wants and ruin your reputation because he'll know when all the evidence comes out he's going to look like a true dick. Secondly, he's not going to touch you I refuse to know that he's cornering you and forcing you to do things with him whenever he's around you and just sit there and watch. You know who are the worst people in the world? The ones who sit back and watch and not do anything when they see someone is struggling and/or hurting because the amount of time it took for them to just sit there and watch or record the event is the amount of time someone could've said an innocent life." He said coming over to me kneeling on one leg just to come on eye level with me so I can understand every word he was saying.

"I understand I just know that this is about to become a bigger scandal that I ever expected I be in. I'm supposed to be this role model for little minority girls and he's putting this in the news like I just go around finding married men to sleep with and break up their marriage." I said putting my head down embarrassed that this is what my life became a scandal.

"That's not the Jenny I know you are the strongest woman I know who keeps on progressing no matter what. We all got haters in this world that pray for our downfall but what matters is how we still end up on top through it all." He said pulling my arms apart so he can see my eyes I forgot how strong this guy is that he just so easily pulled them apart while I was actually struggling to keep them together.

Yup I need to definitely work on my fitness.

"Well look what we have here if it isn't my older sister JHOE. How are you suck any married men off lately. Oh wait Dwayne aren't you still legally married so I guess you are still up yo your old tricks." Nicole said walking into the gym with her little girl squad.

"Nikki you are still the mean girl that I know you are. Only talk shit when you have a crowd behind because we all know that I would dick your shit anytime of the day. So let's not play." I said getting up moving closer to Dwayne.

"Nikki I advice you to go back where you came from because this is supposed to be a peaceful environment and you are just causing stress something the both of us don't need right now." Dwayne announced.

"I don't care whatever you say Rocky I just came to tell Jennifer that she's know friend of mine and no sister of mine. I'm also suing her for defamation of character and third enjoy my interview with 60 minutes on how my own blood betrayed me. Oops wasn't you suppose to be dropping an album this month? Looks like that's going to flop Hasta lluego everyone and peace to Middle East all that shit." She said turning around and leaving the gym.

"She's such an attention seeker it always has to be about Nicole."

"She's not even all that all she has going for is John Cena. She has poor acting, promo skills, and wrestling skills the only thing I guess she can do is follow him around like a lost puppy. But enough about her let's talk about us."


"Yeah is how about I take you on a romantic dinner something so remote it'll be just us two and it'll help you ease your mind." He said .

"Ok let's do it just let me go back to the house and get change but quick question whatever appends to Seth?"

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