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Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

Narrator Pov

"Wayne I love this stroller this would fit perfectly with our baby, don't you think?" Nicole said walking back and forth down the isle.

"Yeah it's beautiful but do you see the price, don't you think we should be saving money?" Dwayne said.

"Why we are rich, we don't need to save. Saving is for the poor we have lots of money. Plus you are about to be in another movie at the end of the year right? So we will back in a lot of money." Nicole said turning around and facing him.

"We? Last time I check that was my money and we aren't married. You are married to John, I'm just trying to do the right thing and take care of my baby, it is mine right?" Dwayne said raising his eyebrow.

"I don't even know why you would ask such a thing you know it is yours. I never lied in my life and I'll never lie about a baby. This is your baby I swear to god. I swear to everything that this is your baby." Nicole said continuing her walk down the aisle putting anything that blings and shine in the cart.

Over the past few days that Dwayne decided to play pretend that this was his child was hell. Not only is she a gold digger but she's an egotistical bitch that only cares for herself. Truth is that she doesn't even want this baby, when the child gets born she's dropping it off at a church or leaving it at the hospital.

The irony is that she was going to pretend that she was pregnant but when she decided to go to the doctors last week they confirmed that she was indeed pregnant 16 weeks to be exact. Which points back to when Nikki actually slept with the Dwayne that time John and her went in their little break unbeknownst to him.

"You know what, I'm not even going to argue with you. Just get everything I just want you to shut the hell up. You've been talking and composing since we got in the place." He said picking up the box and putting it in the cart well trying to. You would think with these big boxes they would expand their cart so that everything can fit inside of it.

"That's so rude I don't want our baby to hear you yell at me like that. She'll get accustomed to that and I don't want her to live in a hostile environment." Nikki said.

"Trust me living with you everyday is a hostile environment." Dwayne said.

"Anyway, at 4 wwe wants to do a special about me and they want us to take maternal pictures. I think it's an amazing opportunity for me and the fans to watch my pregnancy progress don't you think? "

"It's whatever to me, I homestly had enough of this I can't wait till they find Jennifer, this must be punishment for all the sins I have created in my life I'm convinced." Dwayne said whispering to himself.

He thought about the love he had for Jennifer and all the things he had planned for them in their new future. He even was going to build her dream home for her so that way they can make all the babies in the world and enjoy life with each other. He never thought that he would be stuck in a pretend relationship with the guy that he's despises more than anything in the world.

"So do you have hope that your sister is still alive somewhere out there?" Dwayne bought up.

"No not really she's probably out their rotting in hell on the side of the road like the road kill she is. Why are you bringing her up?" Nikki said while picking up these matching baby girl outfits.

"Because pregnancies are suppose to bring families together. You guys shouldn't be split up. You know your mom is getting older don't you guys think you should have a clean slate make everyone be in peace." He said.

"I believe that we are in peace now that she's gone. I mean the attention has been on me as of late. You and John are getting the match of a lifetime. We are together now, and we are expecting a baby. Honestly, what do you think is going to happen when they find where she's at? It's going to cause stress on me and I simply don't know that trust me by tonight she'll no longer be a threat to us." Nikki said heading to the check out lane.

"Excuse me? Say that again."

"Oh I said hopefully by the end of tonight these cramps will no longer be a threat to the pregnancy. Babe you are starting to here things I'm going to have to schedule an appointment with a doctor because I can't have you going deaf when we are about to bless a new child in this world. How else are you going to hear her scream and wine for you. I can already tell she's going to have your charisma but my style and grace. After all I'm really an Angel, the nicest woman in the world woman should be bless they are in my presence." She said pulling out the small things and placing them on the scanner.

"Oh my god are you Nikki Bella and the Rock?!" The cashier said.

"Yes we are, are you a fan?" Nikki said smiling.

"Actually, I'm boy I can't stand your hoe ass. You are nothing but a gold dinging lyin ass bitch that force John Cena to propose to you and marry you. You the same sneaky ass bitch that hired TMZ to come st your wedding to catch Jenny in the act. I'm still waiting on the security tapes to be release because there's no way Jennifer would do that. Oh and Dwayne I use to be a fan of yours but you slept with this hoe and left a treasure like Jennifer. Are you even looking for her because we know this Nikki bitch got something to do with it. Just to let you know you better watch your back Nikki because we are coming for you. I'm gonna he nice and wait the 9 months but as soon as the news leak that you had this baby you can catch me outside and we can handle this like grown woman in Jennifer's honor. Oh you think you can take me in a fight we all know you can't wrestle you rely on twin magic to win your match or let other people do the dirty work. You ain't nothing but a fraud and we merk people like you on these streets. That's why everyone loves Brie she's humble and cares about everyone she's the better twin. That's why everyone is calling Brie and Jenn the Bella Twins, you dusty ass can't get a job as bitch ." The cashier said.

Dwayne was taken back by this lady assertiveness But was trying to suppress the laughs because everything she said about Nicole was true.

"And yet you are the one that's bagging my shit, but I can't get a job." Nicole said. " Why don't you be a good little peasant and put it in the bag won't you dear and if you put it in nicely I'll give you an extra tip."

"Bitch you don't know me, you can keep talking slick but trust me I'll have your ass 6 feet under in no time. I mean who you got the crooked ass McMahon's? You know how  many people hate them and you want to back them. Same dude that's backing the dumbass Cheeto ass man baby? Yeah you definitely getting bodied sis.  Who you going to call? Your sister don't fuck with you, John is out there humping anything that walks, Dwayne is a pussy for stooping so who you got? The real question is what's stopping me from jumping over this here table to smash your head into one so all the brain cells can start working?" The cashier said.

"Security, hi can I talk to the boss? I can't believe they let hood rats like you work in this place. This is suppose to be a high establishment and they actually let black people work here, I'm shock. Looks like I'm going to have to give this one a bad review. This why black people cant get into higher establishments because people like you who reminds the world just how lazy and pathetic hoodrats Black People are. Now I see why they belong in prisons that's the only place they keep animals like you contain. I mean we can't put y'all in a zoo so the jail it is."

"Wow The Rock, you really are a pussy you are half black and can't even defend your own race. A man that can't stand up for his own race but everyone else is called an ignorant ass coward." The cashier said. "Oh and if you are looking for the boss, you are looking right at her. I know shocker a black person can own the most successful store in Florida right? You see I've been getting complaints of your racist ass since you walked in the store so I went undercover style on your ass. You don't even have to purchase anything because we simply don't want you shopping here. You know because of people like us. So you can kindly see yourself to the door. Have a bless day and good luck on the pregnancy I know if I was the baby I would be worried too." The cashier said, shooing them out of the stores and garnishing a round of applause from the people who was watching and recording the whole scene go down.

Ignorance is Bliss unless you are Nikki. With so much fame you would think the would have the best lawyer right?

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