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"What are you talking about your pregnant with my baby." I said busting into her hotel room.

I never had sex with Nicole that's disgusting and why would I turn my back out on Jennifer when she's out there all along. When I made the promise of being her man and not playing with her heart like a string I meant exactly what I said. Nicole is an attention whore who loves centering herself in drama. I won't let her ruin my life, my name, and my family life all because she wants to be in drama because that's the only way social media knows her for. She's as fake as the boobs strapped on her chest.

"Dwayne stop playing like you are some nice guy you are the same Dwayne that I know and love who loves making Jennifer's life miserable." She said walking up to me and rubbing my right arm up and down all seductively.

"I'm not pretending I'm actually a nice guy. You see the difference between me and you is that I learned from my mistake. While you just seem to be basking in others misfortune. Do you even care that your sister is missing at all?"

" No I don't actually, she's not a sister to me what are you not getting. I wish Brie would go and get kidnapped too because all she cares about is wondering if Jennifer is alive and safe. Meanwhile, I'm having trouble planning my baby shower and no one wants to help. When Brie was pregnant I went out of my way to help her plan everything and when I'm pregnant everyone wants to care about Jennifer. Fuck that bitch I hope her body never gets found." Nikki said backing up and smirking. "Afterall she'll be gone soon. I can't wait for my grand finale everyone is going to know the name Nikki Bella." She whispered.

As the weeks go by on this scandal and the days of Jennifer's disappearance increase. I'm more than sure that she had something to do with her disappearance. I just need proof because the motive is there she hates Jennifer for stealing her spotlight but there's no hard evidence linking Nicole to the crime.

Maybe if I pretend that this is my child and get closer to her she'll break down her walls and I'll expose her.

"You know what you are exactly right, I forgot we did hook up that night. Your right this isn't John's baby he can't bust my lip went we were fighting so I know he can't actually bust a nut and get you pregnant. So c'mon let's go baby shopping I want to show the world that you are mine and that I upgraded from Jenn." I said with my signature smile.


"Really now go in the bathroom and freshen up we have a long a busy day ahead of us."

"Um.. yeah!" She said smiling backing up and heading to the bathroom.

*Phone Call*

Paige: Paige here what can I do for you pumpkin?

Me: Hey Casper, I need you to do me a favor.

Paige: Ok what is it?

Me: I need you to call up AJ and call up Seth. I know he's too busy with Rihanna and them trying to make a baby so see if they can track Nicole's phone.

Paige: Why what's happening?

Me: I think she had something to do with Jennifer's disappearance and she may know where she's at.

Paige: It's funny that you said that because I had a dream the other day that she's still alive and that John may have some involment in the situation. For example, during the night of the wedding did you guys check the security footage?

Me: No I haven't checked it, I haven't even thought of looking at that .

Paige: I know my child that's why I did it for you, swing by my house tomorrow or as fast as you can I got something that you may want to see.

Me: That's the professional hacker that I know.

Paige: Hey since I can't be a wrestler anymore, I have to go in my second job which is a hacker. Just when you find her be there for her I know what's it like to have a sex tape get leaked and millions of people viewing it and making jokes about it.

Me: Yes, I forgot you went through the samething. Listen if you can, can you hack into Cedars-Sinai and see if there are any record showing that Nikki is indeed pregnant?

Paige: Yeah, since I'm doing all this work for you can you buy me a house or a car that would be nice.

Me: I'll see what I can do.

Paige: Alright kisses my little pumpkin make sure you are safe so I can get my house.

End Call*

Wow I'm so done with that Oliver Twist Casper looking girl.

"Dwayne are you ready to go baby shopping?" She said coming out of the bathroom with her baby bumped on full display.

"Yeah I'm ready I'm so excited to become a dad again." I said taking her hand leading her out of the door.

What's making this odd even though I know I'm playing pretend where's John. If my wife tells me she's pregnant regardless of the situation at hand I'll be there taking up the roll as a father. He's out there being a little bitch. Probably fucking some other dumb bitch.

Unknown text

??: Becareful of your surroundings, the one you trust are really your enemy.

Me: Who is this?

??: Mystery man.

Me: Just stay focus and don't believe anything they say and don't fall for their traps.

??: Congratulations on the baby btw.

Me: Huh.

??: I said too much already. Watch your back and take care of Brie and Birdie. Trust no one.

Me: If I can't trust anyone how can I trust you.

??: You can't.

*End Text*

I can't just catch a break but if anyone hurts Brie or Birdie that's it it's about to be a Rampage. Time to calm in some reinforcements.

A/N: As you guys just saw that I mentioned Seth and Rihanna being a couple you can see all that in my cross over series. Amor, Ego, New Rules, and One in A Million. The only book that hasn't been updated is New Rules.

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