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New year, new baby bump it's official Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson will be fathering rumored fling Nikki Bella's baby girl in this May. The two were photo at a wine shop in California. Of course the mother to be couldn't be drinking any wine so she's drinking orange juice.

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It seems like now that Jennifer is gone the happy couple can finally peace

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It seems like now that Jennifer is gone the happy couple can finally peace. This is one fairytale I do not want to be apart of. Nikki said after the baby she's going to move down to Pensacola so the baby can know her roots. Oops I mean his/her roots.

"Crossing our fingers that it's twins. Preferably girls so we can have our second generation of Bella Twins." Nikki told E News

WWE seems to be capitalizing on this story with creating another Rock vs John Cena match at WrestleMania. However, this time it has huge implications, if John wins then he gets into the hall of fame, and he'll get full rights and custody of the unborn child.

So it looks like both of them should be hitting the gym.

Other sources, say that Nikki is faking this whole pregnancy for attention and to divert everyone's attention from the real problem that Jennifer is still missing. Some of her fans threaten to burn down the WWE headquarters in Hartford, Connecticut because they believe they have something to do with Jennifer's kidnapping.

@JLotruelove we are going to 🔥🔥 that shit down

@LopezQueen I hope they all burn in Hell for taking our queen away from us.

@jennifergrason I wouldn't put it past them it's the McMahon's they are the nose shady family out there. This is what they do for a living burry the people we love.

@prettybrownskin  who is Nikki Bella anyway? People still watch that fake shit?

@NickiRevenge is wrestling really a thing? 😂😂

While other supporters of WWE found this claim to be insulting and are pissed because the USA network decided to put all WWE shows on a hiatus.

@sashabanksfan @jennifergrason that's cool and all but y'all taking our WWE away from us.

@lunaticprincess thanks to these fucking haters WWE won't be on.

@TheBigDawg Thanks for ruing these wrestlers families with your fucking nonsense. How about we take y'all music from y'all?

@zzorrie Y'all really mad that Jennifer is missing I mean she's not even that good of a singer💀😂😂😂.

All I know is that it looks like both sides are pissed off at each other and tension seems to be escalating. One of Jennifer Lopez jumped a fan of WWE on the Metro and now the victim is in critical condition. We have word that both camps are supposed to addressing the issue at hand tonight in a joint interview. So you know some tea will be spilled. Let's pray that there isn't anymore jumping or killings over this. Everyone please respect one another.

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