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"How dare that bitch kiss you, on my wedding day off all days my wedding day and try to deny it." Nikki said pacing back and forth as the latest TMZ episode spotlighted the affair once again.

"I'm telling you baby she cornered me and try to rape me. I said no I'm a married man now but she insisted that we continue on with this "affair" Nicole you know I would never cheat on you I'm not that guy." John said walking up to Nicole wrapping his arms around her waist and pulling her into his chest.

"In a couple more days we'll be in Paris roaming the streets shopping going on romantic boat rides and walking on the white sands of Nice. This affair is just gossip who's to say that the media didn't photoshop that picture and made it seem like we were kissing. You know they try to look for the smallest things to bring down the strongest power couple. Beyoncé and Jay Z has nothing on us, Brangelina is a bust. We are the next JFK and Jackie Kennedy no one is going to slow us down. Now how about we take that warm bath we were talking about together to take this stress away from us." John said pulling a hesitant Nikki towards the bathroom entrance.



"I guess you are right John but they are bringing reports that you cheated on Liz with me and left your two daughters at home meanwhile I shouldn't be complaining because I lose you how I gained you." Nikki said breaking the hold and walking up to the door to let whoever that was on the other side of the door in.

"I'm not having this conversation with you again, I'm going to take a bath." He said leaving the room and slamming the bathroom door.

The person that was at the door was Brianna her, Brian, and Birdie are in town for a flower convention and because Nicole called her to house sit their house while they are on vacation but since the scandal was put in the spotlight everything was pushed back a day or two which really frustrated Nicole. However, Brianna didn't really care since she opposed John coming into the family and had to pretend to like him because her twin like him.

"So have you gotten the chance to apologize to Jenny?" Brie said walking in and putting Birdie in her high chair that was already set because I think of Birdie as my daughter too.

"Why should I apologize to that homewrecking slut. She kissed my man on my wedding day gosh I hate her so fucking much. She's always trying to steal the spotlight away from me it was my wedding day I was the star of the day and leave it up to JHOE to ruining it." Nicole said sitting down getting red thinking about what Jennifer did.

"Sounds like someone got a lot of hate in that handbag." Brian said coming in with the rest of their bags.

"I agree Brian, Nicole we know you can be a drama queen but you know this is a typical John move. You do remember that he was in a long relationship with his former wife Liz where he cheated on her multiple times right? One of the girls are you. So you are acting shock and blaming Jennifer who has been loyal to you since day one who even helped plan this wedding for you when she she should've been promoting her new album." Brie said defending Jennifer.

"That album is going to flop she's not even that talented." Nikki said objectively.

"Nicole you aren't that talented at least she can hold a tune I still have some signs of hearing loss after seeing that video that Renee sent me of you singing." Brie said rolling her eyes.

This was all apart of her plan. Let me plan Nicole's wedding and when she's all happy and I'm bliss I'll corner John and kiss him hoping paparazzi would see, take a picture knowing it'll be headline news the next day completely overshadowing my wedding." Nikki huffed.

" I don't think Jennifer is cold hearted to do that look Jennifer was the first one to be on my side and introduce to Brie when I was nervous to ask her out on a date. In fact she was the one who helped me plan our first date and the way I was going to propose to Brie so I'm not going to let you sit here and bash her over someone who is prone to have multiple affairs. That's your blood she'll always be there meanwhile John might not be around for so long. You know the locker room does talk." Brian said getting up and heading to the kitchen.

"Nicole you are the worse sometime I'm honestly starting to think you don't like Jennifer and that you are jealous of her. She has been nothing but nice to everyone in this family but you and everyone in this family bash her and treat her like some ugly duckling." Brie said bending over picking up Birdie's bottle that she knocked down.

What Brie was saying was true, every since they were little Jennifer had to grow up faster than all of them taking the role of a second Mom while their mother did god knows what. Jennifer was always subjected to ridicule by our mother because she didn't fit the role of a daughter their mom views as. She had Jennifer get on diets to lose weight and if she would cheat or gain a pound she would get beaten by her mom. Out of the four of them Brie was always the closest to Jennifer some even joked that Jennifer and Brie were twins that got separated. Nikki hated that everyone loved Jennifer instead of her and that just filled her body up with vengeance, envy, and anger that's why she has so much resentment on Jennifer today.

"Well Brie if you want to stick up for your twin then you can just simply leave and stay with her while you are in Orlando I'll have Nia and Kelly watch over our house."

"So you are seriously kicking us out, you know what have it your way Nicole. This isn't the Nicole show the world doesn't revolve around you think about how Jennifer feels. She's hurting too I think this family needs and intervention because we all we got and you are treating Jennifer likes she's less than you and not your sister over a guy that's fucking your best friend." 

"She's not my sister anymore and she'll never be my sister." Nicole said getting up opening the door for Brie. " You and your family can leave now."'

"Don't call me when more reports of him cheating comes out." Brie said getting her stuff while Brian picked up Birdie leaving the house of what she thought was her sister.

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