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Nikki Pov

Huh Another Day, Another Interview, Another Chance for me to ruin Jennifer life and career. Does it make me a bad guy that I want to see my own blood fail and vanish in the wind?

"Barbra thank you so much it was a pleasure." I said giving her a halfhearted smile and hug.

" Don't flatter yourself, your bosses called the network and forced me not to go on too deep to hurt your feelings. You ought to be ashamed of yourself, making a rumors to benefit your own personal gain. You dear must not know the true meaning of family. It's just unbelievable and sad, that her own sister would just tarnish her sisters legacy and just smile. You better be careful with who you surround yourself with because payback is coming your way my dear, I don't know when or how but it is coming your way." Barbra said getting her little purse and staring at me in a disappointing way.

"Barbra, if I wanted your advice I would have read your book. So when are you going to retire and be a grandmother to your family. Instead of investigating on something that doesn't concern.

"You need to learn respect, I lived my life and seen people like you come and go. I know how your story is going to play out before you even witness it. I'm telling you once people find out your true colors Nicole you are going to need your family to be behind you."

"Oh Martha, I have to go it was nice talking to you but I have another interview to go t0 at 1pm. So why don't you have a bless day and say hello to the kiddies for me."

"You can go straight to hell, bitch." She said walking out of the room and slamming the door.

How rude was that? I'm a nice person and people attack me left and right for no reason at all. It should be a sin to hate on someone so charming and a treasure to the American society. Now before I leave, I should probably look up places on where you can get a fake belly at. So what I lied shoot me, This is Hollywood everyone lies. It's all about fame and fortune so I had to throw my sister under the bus and paid multiple people to garnish this scandal in the end it's going to make me rich. Everyone, would want to hear my story on what happens and how I felt during the affair. We will become the modern day Bill and Hillary Clinton, JFK and Jackie Kennedy, Corretta Scott King and MLK, I'll become America's version of Princess Diana and Cleopatra everyone would want me. I get so excited just  seeing my future play out.

Pulling out my phone I decided to go and search for places that sell fake pregnant bumps so I can really put play this scandal. I going that Amazon has fake pregnancy bumps for 42.00 that goes from 3-9 months and it'll come in 2 days. There is a god because this day keeps getting better and better. I ordered the belly it said it'll come Saturday so that's good because I'm tried of putting this pillow in my shirt. I even went as far to create a fake pregnancy test, and a fake ultrasound picture so people can legit know that this pregnancy is real even though it's faker than the weaves and wigs that be on these girls hairs.

Speaking of fake I wonder what that bitch Jennifer is doing I'm about to call her and ruin her plans hopefully get some tea that I can leak to TMZ. Like I did on my wedding day, oh you think John would actually kiss her? Nope! This was a setup and I'm the mastermind behind it. I'm the one who leaked the address of my wedding to the paparazzi, told John to go out there and seduce her. All for my personal gain because I simply don't like the bitch.



I wish this bitch pickup, I'm the Queen she's suppose to answer on the first ring. No respect.

Jennifer: Hello?

Me: Hey sissy how are you, did you just see my interview?

Jennifer: I'm sorry I tried watching but as soon as you showed up on my screen it said error and now I'm at the shop trying to repair it. Maybe if I put Brie on my tv it'll repair itself.

Me: Funny, we'll you should know that o announced your pregnancy and mine.

Jennifer: How do you lie so much. I'm not pregnant and you are not pregnant.

Me: Oh but I am and it's twins. I can't wait to spoil my kids and they'll be hotter than Nori and Blue.

Jennifer:(laughs)Nikki you are so hilarious because you bring me back to life. You are not pregnant remember you signed your life away when you agreed to get marry than to have a kid.

Me: Well I got the best of both worlds. Oh if your not pregnant than why was you photoshop at a CVS with a pregnant test.

Jennifer: Get off my line, I done need this from you because I know that you only called to get under my skin because there's nothing exciting or relevant going on with your wife.

Me: Oh but there is my business is booming everyone wants to get my autograph, want me on their show, and my merchandise is outselling Roman and John's in triple digits. Plus I'm going to end Asuka win streak and they're giving me another run with the championship belt.

Jennifer: Really because I thought you just said you were pregnant so how are you going to win a belt.

Me: I'm going to fake a miscarriage duh. I'll get the moral support from the crowd because let's face it WWE fans are dumb look how press they get for a fake sport.

Jennifer: Goodbye Nicole and have fun on your scandal tour. But you should know that I have an interview with Vanity Fair tomorrow and I'm going to expose you I even just recorded everything you just said so good bye love .

End Call

Since she want to play it that way I'll have a couple buddies pay her a visit and shake her up. She's not going to no interview anytime soon. Being bad feels so good.

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