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Jennifer POV

"So while you were busy talking to the guest, your sister have been waiting for you to give her an update on how the venue looks like but you are too busy flirting with the guest today is not your day and you have been nothing from the start have been a disappointment, a use of a sperm, I should have aborted you when I had the opportunity to do it. Why can't you be more Brianna and Nicole." My Mom said berating me in front of everyone including Dwayne who just had a sorry expression on him.

Well let's get started with the wedding shall we.

"Jenny are you ok you shouldn't ever have to go through that." Dwayne said walking up to me.

I dismissed him by walking past him and heading into the wedding hall. Now was not the time for sympathy, I'm no charity case and I don't need anyone feeling sorry for me.

I just wish this day was over so I can hear back home and work on my music instead of being here with a family that doesn't care about me only when it benefits them. Sure on the outside they would love to say they are related to me because of the perks that come with my name but on the outside they aren't any less supportive more so undercover haters.

The Ceremony

There was about a 15 minute delay to the wedding because Nicole flipped when she found out that her veil was missing so we had to cut out pieces of her dress to try and make a new veil or there would be no wedding . So I had to multitask by running to John and telling him that she was still here and that she wasn't a runaway bride then I had to search for this missing veil because somehow this is all my fault. Turns out Nicole is as stupid as everyone thinks she is that it was placed right next to her her explanation, she thought it was apart of her dress.

Once again fuck my life.

After hell full blown diva tantrum was over it was now time for me to signal the conductor that we were ready to walk down the side.

The order of us walking was Stella McMahon and Roman Reigns; Renee Young and Dean Ambrose; Me and Dwayne; Brie and Bryan. Birdie and our nephew Daniel was the flower girl and ring bearer.

"Well who would have thought that we would be linking arms on this fine afternoon. It must be fate that we are linking hands at a wedding walking down the aisle together." Dwayne said leaning over and whispering in my ear.

"Yeah, what happened to the guy I was suppose to be walking with? Little short fellow who looks like he shops at Hot Topics?" I said raising my eyebrow at him.

"Oh Seth? Yeah he's locked in the closet, don't worry he'll get out after the wedding I'll give him a doggy bag."

"Why? Would you do that?"

"I wanted to walk with a special lady." He said winking to me while walking over to the rest of the groomsmen.

'Note to Self free that poor guy locked in the closet.'

Now it was time for the main event, what people have been waiting for what the media have been waiting for the arrival of Queen Nikki.

"All Rise!"

As here comes the bride illuminated the room the big doors of the church opened and their stood my baby sister in the most beautiful gown ever. No shade but it took about 72 hours to find a dress cough..cough.. I mean stalk Ana Wintour for days and threaten her to make a one of a kind Nikki Bella dress.

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