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"For this dirty money earned as this crooked world." 2pac

"Wake up pretty lady, today is a very important day. You my dear is going to make us rich." Jeff said pouring a bucket of water on Jennifer's face making her gag and choke for air. "I knew that would have gotten you up." He laughed kicking the chair leg that she was sitting on making her fall and wince in pain.

"Jeff be careful you could have hurt the pretty lady. Why must you always be so volatile that's why you are lonely and depressed. You have to treat a lady of such class with elegance and grace." Matt said walking over to her lifting her up and making her sit back up.

"Don't tell me about my life you are the one that's going nuts and a shell of his former self." Jeff exclaimed.

"I believe the technical term is called WOKEN/BROKEN something you need brotha."

" I don't need anything your selling Matt, what I need for you to do is rip that tape off of her mouth so we can start negotiating and getting to know Jennifer a little bit better." Jeff said walking over to the pile of folded table chairs picking one up and unfolding it sliding it so he was sitting directly in front of her.

"FUCK!" Jennifer exclaimed.

"Shut up you've been through worse than this. Now what I want to know is where is the money?"

"What money? I don't have any money." Jennifer said.

"Well that's strike number 1, you do have money aren't you a celebrity. Now John your little fling said you had the money that we are looking for so I want to know where.is.the.money." Jeff said leaning in towards her. "I know you know so let's stop playing dumb or you see this blade will go right across your neck and that'll be the end of your life."

"Well why won't you do it now, death seems like the best way out of this hell of a life." Jennifer yelled. " You listened to John I don't have any money that he promised you."

"They listened to me dear because you are indeed their money." John said laughing making his way into the room.


"You should save up that saliva in your mouth for later, when you are spitting on this dick." John said kneeling down pulling her legs apart and having his arm work it's way in her skirt.

"I rather burn in hell than to put that disease infested cock inside any hole in my body."

"The funny thing is that you are the one sucking off men left and right. Jennifer you have no walls you let everyone get inside of you. So what makes me different? I'll tell you this if you don't let me get inside of your pussy, I'm just going to force myself inside of you." He said unbuckling his pants and pulling down his zipper.

"Baby we are about to have a good time." John said picking Jennifer up and dropping her on the bed at the corner of the room. "Jennifer look around doesn't this look like your bedroom baby? We are about to create a sex tape and I'm going to sell it at every outlet and your going to make us rich. Jeff bring me the mask let's make this tape one she won't remember." John said as Jeff handed him the mask filled with anesthesia putting it on her face, watching as she struggled to not inhale but failing miserably. Once she started blinking less and her breathing started to slow down Matt turned on the recorded and it was now go time.

He pulled down her pajama shirt that she was wearing, traveling her lace panties. He began to lick his lips in a circular motion seeing the sight of her pussy. He inch his head closer sniffing her pussy and sticking his tongue out licking her jewel through her panties.

Matt who already had a hard on from the thought of having a taste of Jennifer was multitasking holding the camera and rubbing his dick through his jeans. Jeff was the only one that was uninterested in Jennifer he was just watching with boredom.

John than began to pull her panties down inserting himself into her making him grunt. He started of slowly to get a fill for her something he had been hoping and dreaming about for years. He started picking up the pace when he saw that Jeff got closer to Jennifer and was touching her hair.

John always wanted Jennifer he dreamed about her every night. What man wouldn't want Jennifer she's beautiful and she doesn't age so when he got a chance to kiss her he took it. It just so happens that they got caught by the paparazzi no thanks to Nikki. He plans on asking Nicki if he can marry Jennifer too making their relationship polygamous.

On the other hand Jeff pinched Jennifer nose making her open her mouth for air. He grabbed Jennifer right hand and wrapping it around his 6 inch dick. He started thrusting into her her hand making her wrist go up and down his shaft.

"John turn her around so I can face fuck the shit out her." Jeff said.

Obliging to Jeff's order John turned Jennifer with ease and began to fuck Jennifer in the ass. This time an animal was unleashed as he started pounding inside of her extra hard gripping her hair all the way back as the room was filled with audible grunts and groans from the 3 men.

Jeff then tilted her head down towards his erected dick and began face fucking Jennifer. With the anestia beganing to wear off she started to choke on Jeff dick as he was hitting the back of her throat with such aggression that tears began to form in her eyes. It could've been from the pain or because she was getting rape and no one would care. Her cries began to take over the grunts as the men smiled with pleasure and picked up the pace as Jennifer blacked out again.

"Aww I guess she couldn't handle the pain." John said.

"Well let's repeat and see if she does it again." Jeff said.

"Can I join this time?" Matt said.

"No why don't you edit the video and leak it to someone." Jeff said.

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